DEV Community

My Favorite Software Development Podcasts

Rachel Soderberg on April 05, 2019

When you load up your favorite podcasting app or website and enter a search related to "Software," a pretty large number of results come up. Unfort...
alexanderholman profile image
Alexander Holman

Thanks I'll check them out! Below are some of my favourites:
The Changelog (and anything under their umbrella, checkout their master feed)
Programming Throwdown
Frontend Happy Hour
Software Engineering Radio
Talk Python to Me
Command Line Heroes
Reactive (I think it's finished now, but has 101 episode of awesomeness)
They are all great podcasts! Enjoy

lbayliss profile image
Luke Bayliss

My current favourite would have to be Soft Skills Engineering.

They cover the non technical side of being an engineer and have some fantastic insights. It’s a really friendly and light show that is a good contrast to a lot of my other technical podcasts. Great for winding down on the train home after work.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

+1 for Soft Skills Engineering. Such a good start to my week.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

That sounds right up my alley - thank you!

theallenu profile image
Allen Underwood

Hi @rachel - your opening paragraph about how most end up in the "podcast graveyard" is one thing that drives me crazy too! I want some continuity - Might I suggest checking out the Coding Blocks podcast - I'm one of the co-hosts of that and similar to how you describe the Rabbit Hole (I'm going to be checking that one out now too) - we don't focus on any one particular language - it's more about helping developers master what they do and make them aware of things that maybe they wouldn't know about because they can't study this stuff 24 hours a day! Would love for you to give it a shot and hear your thoughts!

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I will certainly check it out! I have a long commute in the mornings and that's spent either podcasting or studying French, so I'm always looking for more material to consume!

pavlosisaris profile image
Paul Isaris

My favorite is the Complete Developer Podcast. These guys are awesome!

thejoezack profile image
Joe Zack • Edited

Such a great show, and such a unique style and chemistry!

I prefer to listen to shows with limited interviews, and the Complete Developer crew is right up my alley.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

Awesome, I'll give it a listen this weekend. Thanks for the recommendation!

timothep profile image
Tim Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇫🇷🇩🇪

Hi @rachelsoderberg , I didn't know The Rabbit Hole, thanks for passing it on!

That "podcast graveyard" you talk about is very real. I haven't missed a beat with my own Developer's Journey podcast for over two years, for fear of that slippery slope if I did 😅 Instead of focusing on a topic like most of the podcasts I know, I decided to focus on a person. Each episode is the tale of their journey into tech! I would love to hear your feedback about it.

In the last episodes, I'd highly recommend listening to Alice Goldfuss's story, one of my favorites!

dowenb profile image
Ben Dowen

+1 for Code Newbie and BaseCS podcasts