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Cover image for Symfony Station Communiqué — 28 February 2025 — A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, and other programming news!
Reuben Walker, Jr.
Reuben Walker, Jr.

Posted on • Originally published at


Symfony Station Communiqué — 28 February 2025 — A look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, and other programming news!

This communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities focusing on protecting democracy.

There's good content in all of our categories, so please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

This is why we publish on Fridays. So you can savor it over your weekend.

Or jump straight to your favorite section via our website. 

Once again, thanks go out to Javier Eguiluz and the team at Symfony for sharing our communiqué in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold. And will often involve cursing. Because humans. Especially tech bros.


As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight ->This week, development activity focused on new security features. The upcoming Symfony 7.3 version added support for security voters to explain their vote, improved the IsGranted attribute to allow using PHP callables, and made some changes to enhance the DX of recent security additions.

A Week of Symfony #947 (17-23 February 2025)

They also have:

SymfonyLive Paris 2025 Async avec Messenger, AMQP et Mercure

This should be an interesting one.

SymfonyLive Paris 2025 Du lego de composants pour un bundle Gotenberg !

SymfonyLive Paris 2025 Tirez profit de Messenger pour améliorer votre architecture

Just one month to go before SymfonyLive Paris 2025 workshops begin!

SymfonyLive Berlin 2025: Building really fast applications

New Core Team Members, 2025 Edition

A newsletter

Featured Item

Infoworld writes:

We’re living in a strange time for software development. On the one hand, AI-driven coding assistants have shaken up a hitherto calcified IDE market. As RedMonk Cofounder James Governor puts it, “suddenly we’re in a position where there is a surprising amount of turbulence in the market for editors,” when “everything is in play” with “so much innovation happening.” Ironically, that very innovation in genAI may be stifling innovation in the software those coding assistants increasingly recommend. As AWS developer advocate Nathan Peck highlights, “the brutal truth beneath the magic of AI coding assistants” is that “they’re only as good as their training data, and that stifles new frameworks.”

In other words, genAI-driven tools are creating powerful feedback loops that foster winner-takes-all markets, making it hard for innovative, new technologies to take root.

AI coding assistants are on a downward spiral

It makes sense as the next step on the road to enshittification of code. And they are also unethical in the first fucking place.

This Week

David Duymelinck explores:

DDD: comparing Laravel-data and Symfony validator object as DTO

Bhavin Nakrani has:

CSRF Protection in Symfony: Secure Your Forms & APIs Like a Pro

Boosting Symfony Performance with Symfony Runtime and OpenSwoole

Jolicode examines:

Adding PHP Function to Symfony ExpressionLanguage, The Simple Way

Vladislav Solntsev shares:

GDPR Made Easy: Automating Anonymization in Symfony

Linux TLDR shows us:

How to Install Symfony Framework in Linux (for Beginners)

How To

Tihomir Manushev has:

Real-Time Chat Application with Symfony 7 and Mercure

Microservices with Symfony 7

Custom Console Commands with Symfony 7

Event-Driven Microservices with Symfony 7 and Messenger

LaurentMN has:

Need for A Workflow Implementation In Your Web App? Symfony Can Do It!

Are You Upgrading Your Symfony App With SQL Scripts? Big Mistake You Should Adopt Doctrine

Forget Definitively Cron, Replace It With Symfony Scheduler!

Symfony Mailer is Your Best Friend to send Emails From Your Web App

Dynamic Language Switcher in Symfony 7

The Classic But Indispensable Symfony Translator Component Explained.

Rector: The Magic Tool to Reduce Symfony Upgrade Pain or Technical Debt?

Are You At Ease With Serialization? Symfony Serializer can help you.


Jenuel Oras Ganawed opines:

Laravel Cloud to Save the Day: A Game-Changer for Laravel Developers

*Of course, Symfony has had this for years. ;) *

And Drupal may have it soon via Drupal Forge.

Laravel News reports:

Getting to Know Laravel's New Starter Kits

These go hand in hand with Laravel Cloud.


Magerun announces:

n98-magerun2 v8.0.0

Konvis has:

Elektronische Rechnung – ZUGFeRD Erweiterung für Magento 2 Onlineshop (XML)

BitExpert announces:

Hello phpstan-sylius extension


TYPO3 has:

Recap: Web Camp Venlo 2025 — a Decade of Inspiring People to Share

Evaluating CMS Options: Which Excels in SEO?

Budget 2025 Ideas for Quarter 2/2025 Published — Vote Now!

T3 Planet asks:

What Are Site Sets in TYPO3 v13? Key Features & Configurations

NitsanTech shows us:

How to Choose the Right TYPO3 Hosting for your website?

Drupal has:

The DA recognizes computing pioneers in the Black community for Black History Month

Wim Leers shares:

Experience Builder - XB week 27: UX improvements for populating component instances

Drupal Like Hacks looks at:

Why Using current_route_match in Access Checks is Problematic

Dev Collaborative explains:

Why DevCollab is a Certified Drupal Partner

The Droptimes has:

Droptica Introduces Open-Source Intranet System for Enterprise Collaboration
DrupalCamp England 2025: Sessions on Drupal Open University Initiative and Drupal CMS Recipes

Joshics compares:

WordPress vs. Drupal: An Honest Comparison for Your Next Web Project

Specbee is:

Exploring the Drupal Views module - Are you using these must-know features?
Golems shows us:

Drupal Views: How to Set Up and Work with

I need to convert a few category pages here on SS into views.

Tag1 Consulting explores:

Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Migrating nodes - Part 2

DXPR examines:

Unveiling the CKEditor AI Writing Agent in the Drupal Ecosystem

J Posen looks at:

Turning off Drupal's SuperUserPolicy to Harden the user/1 Account

Droptica shares a:

Guide to Avoiding Drupal Security Problems: Best Practices and Proactive Measures

Amazee has:

Drupal Content Distribution Solutions for Enterprise

The Hidden Costs of Delaying Your Drupal 7 Migration

Metadrop demonstrates:

Implementing an AI customer support agent in Drupal using Voiceflow

James Oakley says:

Off Drupal 7, and onto Drupal 10 - at last!

Droptica shows us:

How to Increase the Attractiveness of Your Website with Drupal Theme Design?

Great stuff.

ImageX is:

Counting Down to DrupalCon Atlanta 2025: Our Top Session Picks for You

Zoocha looks at:

Understanding Drupal Update Fatigue: Why So Many Updates?


Brian Perry explores:

Using Verbose Output When Applying Drupal Recipes

Dariusz Gafka examines:

Symfony Multi-Tenant Applications with Ecotone


This Week

Raziel Rodrigues has:

Automated Tests | How to unit tests with PHPUnit

PHP Tips | Exploring the Flyweight/Singleton Pattern

Rob Allen looks at:

Converting a PHPUnit TestListener to an Event Subscriber

Matheus Sesso shares:

Desafio da Mochila (Knapsack Problem) em PHP

Antonio Silva has a:

PHP PSRs : PSR-12 Extended Coding Style Guide

Previous Weeks

Dominik Chrástecký explores:

Transpiling PHP for older versions

More Programming

[php]architect shares:

Markdown for Developers

My favorite programming language. ;)

Jolicode has:

Le no-code, la révolution qui dévore ses enfants

Futurism reports:

OpenAI Researchers Find That Even the Best AI Is "Unable To Solve the Majority" of Coding Problems

Ben Tasker explores:

Moving services to European Providers

The Register reports:

OBS-tacle course: Fedora and Flathub's Flatpak fiasco sparks repo rumble

TechCrunch reports:

Thousands of exposed GitHub repositories, now private, can still be accessed through Copilot

Ars Technica has more:

Copilot exposes private GitHub pages, some removed by Microsoft

BleepingComputer reports:

VSCode extensions with 9 million installs pulled over security risks

GitButler examines:

How Core Git Developers Configure Git

CSS Tricks looks at:

Using & Styling the Details Element

A CSS-Only Star Rating Component and More! (Part 1)

Battalion Logo

Fighting for Democracy (sponsored by Battalion

Here we feature several items from each section of Battalion's weekly "Defending Democracy" report.

Get all the news from the front of democracy's battle against autocracy via its latest "Defending Democracy" post. And please follow Battalion via RSS or on the Fediverse at Or even Bluesky if that floats your boat.

Please visit Symfony Stations Support Ukraine pageto learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually, like ending apartheid in South Africa).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

TechCrunch reports:

Cellebrite suspends Serbia as customer after claims police used firm’s tech to plant spyware

The Internet Review has:

Framework Brings Real Excitement Back to Personal Computers

They are a recommendation of mine in The Techno Anarchist Manifesto aka Let’s fuck up Techno Feudalism

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Bert Hubert says:

It is no longer safe to move our governments and societies to US clouds

He's right.

BleepingComputer reports:

Belgium probes if Chinese hackers breached its intelligence service


The Register reports:

How nice that state-of-the-art LLMs reveal their reasoning ... for miscreants to exploit

Bleeping Computer reports:

New Auto-Color Linux backdoor targets North American govts, universities


The Fediverse Report has:

Fediverse Report #105

TechCrunch reports:

Tumblr backs Tapestry, a timeline app for the open social web

I think apps like this and Surf are going to gain more traction than platform apps and clients in the long run.

Other Slightly Federated Social Media

The Fediverse Report has:

Last Week in the ATmosphere – 2025feb.d

Bluesky info has:

Bluesky Resources

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us.

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content on our communiqués page.


Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

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