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Think With A Programmer's Brain

bob.ts on December 20, 2021

So, I recently got a question from an individual participating in #100daysofcode on Twitter. I follow this hashtag to cheer on newer developers and...
alexandrekgiacobo profile image

Thanks for the tips, I'm already a Software Developer for some years, and now I'm pursuing the senior path, and this article helped me to see I'm on the right path.

Thanks again.

kunalkeshan profile image
Kunal Keshan

Great article, I'm right now pursuing Electronics in college, and so yea, my interest shifted towards computer science a while back and I've been facinated ever since!

I'll start foucsing on CS Theory. Thanks!

dev_allahnana profile image
Usman Abdulhadi Allahnana

Thank you so much for this great article. I enjoyed it.

naka_dashi profile image
Naka Dashi

I think this is generally well-put, with a couple of exceptions:
"Understand that more math is needed than just High School level."

If one is developing business applications, this is not true. I have seen very highly-paid technical leads who can barely solve two linear simultaneous equations, which is around 6th grade math in a lot of countries.

"On teams today, forty to sixty percent of my day is in meetings:"
This sounds very excessive. If more than 20% of a programmer's time is spent in meetings, your department needs training on how to conduct more efficient meetings. The majority of meetings drag on for far longer than they need to.

rfornal profile image

Nobody is static on a job for 40-years any more, so assuming the math isn’t needed would be a disservice to someone that might need it on the next job.

I should say on the meetings that I included pairing sessions.

I’d love to say you’re right about the meetings, but having worked with several enterprise-level organizations, this is the way things are. Very focused on process … often overriding common sense. But those base premise behind mentioning the meetings, that developers need to communicate stands.

naka_dashi profile image
Naka Dashi • Edited

It sounds like you do a different kind of programming than I do. I normally work with business applications on desktop and web, and I haven't had a need for anything beyond simple arithmetic. I did work at an engineering firm once, and most of the math was already done by the scientists and engineers; we just had to program it in. With the exception of specific fields that demand the math, a fresh graduate is more likely to be hired for their programming skills than their math skills, so I would encourage them to focus on that.

Regarding meetings, there might be a cultural difference between non-technical departments and developer teams that often needs to be addressed. The two communicate differently. I think there are firms that specifically provide training to increase the efficiency of meetings, so the meeting science is there. Just that not many companies are using it.

olancheros profile image
Oscar Lancheros

This is an interesting article and I agree with you, CS theory it's pretty important when you write code. I've studied physics and I worked in geophysics for many years and a few years ago I had to write a bunch of Perl programs in order to automatize some tasks that helped me out to deliver on time a project. Since this year I started to study programming and a couple of months back I did realize that those Perl' scripts could be more efficient and have less code if I had implemented a couple functions.


rfornal profile image

That’s great information. I remember working with the Engineers while in college using Fortran.

raddevus profile image

Those are all great points and this was a great article.

A lot of very good guidance for any developer.

thanks for sharing.

neuron123 profile image

Great article, thanks for writing

ajahbenjamin8 profile image

Thanks for sharing Bob

pini851 profile image
pini85 • Edited

Could you send a link of one incorrect subject on w3 schools, if there are any left?

rfornal profile image

I'd be happy to ...

There's plenty of research showing they had this problem in the past. In fact, I stated in the article, "(w3Schools used to actually contain a lot of incorrect information)" ... past tense. I've seen incorrect information over the years and have learned to "shy away from them."

I spent some time researching this subject. Looking into the information they currently present I found the documented issues in the past are fixed. I will honestly say that they have information that is reliable, though I have no interest in using their information.

pini851 profile image
pini85 • Edited

Yeah. I'm a bootcamp teacher and I usually recommend w3 schools only for html/css

naka_dashi profile image
Naka Dashi

Sounds like an entire article could be written on dealing with incorrect information on the web when starting out as a developer!

ismailidrisabd4 profile image
Ismail Idris Abdullahi

Great article, i don't know how to program but reading your article is like giving me an assignment to go an learn how to do programming

stanley_broo_69ad01f7d5a6 profile image
Stanley Broo • Edited

Great article

Knowing when to take breaks have saved me hours of work over the years.
..Go for a swim :-) ..and a much better solution will present it self after the ”break”.

arcahyadi profile image

Thanks, great article
These few days i lost my intention for programming
Because stress for my final project

This article wake up my spirit again

rfornal profile image

Awesome. I’m glad I can help.

blint profile image
Ibrohim Hanafi

greet article, thanks to sharing