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Cover image for How to build a blog with Gatsby and AWS - Part 1
Rishab Kumar
Rishab Kumar

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How to build a blog with Gatsby and AWS - Part 1

You always wanted to start blogging and now you are looking to have your own site, well this guide will set you up with a minimal looking blog.
It's a good project and learning experience to create your own.

Goal ⚽

Have a responsive personal blog site, with markdown support.
We will be using Gatsby JS and host it on AWS with Amplify


2020-08-10 09_13_50-Window.png

Demo πŸ“‘

Here is the link to the project that we will end up with:

Dive in βš™

I always wanted to create some YouTube tutorial, and after giving it a long thought, I am sharing this guide as a video tutorial

Hope you guys like it and find it helpful.
The second part of the series will be out early next week.

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