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Universal next gen css-in-js library in under 1kb

Sadick on September 18, 2018

Introducing scoped-style Scoped style aims to be a universal library that you can use to style your components while still maintaining a...
dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Wow Sadick.

That's very nice.

I probably wouldn't need to install styled-components for many small projects.

& 930B according to BundlePhobia 👏👏👏.

sadick profile image

Thanks KIM. Try it for your next small project. I will be looking forward for your feedback.

sadick profile image

I have got it down to 525B according to BundlePhobia

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Nice mate.

I see that you also switched from WebPack to RollUp 🕺

ahmedmusallam profile image
Ahmed Musallam • Edited

This is very cool!

I was thinking about this the other day while using hyperapp. I wondered if we can remove the need for strings, and possibly include a ‘style’ tag in/as JSX which then can be converted into that string to be used with this library. For a better syntax than string templates.

ahmedmusallam profile image
Ahmed Musallam

Thinking abut it a little more.. CSS uses brackets {} which are also used for expressions in JSX.. maybe there is a better alternative.

I always wondered how Vue implements it's Single File Component

for example this vue file:

  <h1> {{msg}} </h1>

  export default {
     data () {
       return {
         msg:"hi there!"

    font-size: 45px

I bet Vue has it's own file loader/parser to extract all the template, script and css then scope that css. Because this file isn't JSX or any other nodejs library I know of...

Anyway, just thoughts.. need to research more :)

equinusocio profile image
Mattia Astorino

Just html, css and js. No more abstractions

sadick profile image

You are right Vue has a parser

davejs profile image
David Leger

Definitely interesting!

I have a few questions though, like when this would be a good choice over styled-components, what are the features and limitations of using scoped-style, etc.

Maybe you could compare and contrast the differences between your library and styled-components. I think that context would help people decide if this is a good choice for their project.

christiankaindl profile image
Christian Kaindl

Do you know Picostyle?

It also does CSS-in-JS and is also very small (0.4kB). I use it personally so I would be really interested what scoped-style does different.

Really cool work!

sadick profile image

Yes i do and I have also used it. But it doesn't work with react.