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Samyog Dhital
Samyog Dhital

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Transition from Frontend Development to Web3, Blockchain domain ✅

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As a frontend developer, I had always been interested in the potential of blockchain technology and the decentralized web. So, when the opportunity presented itself for me to transition into the web3 and blockchain domain, I jumped at the chance.
The transition has been both exciting and challenging. On one hand, there is a lot of new and cutting-edge technology to learn, such as smart contract development and decentralized storage solutions. On the other hand, the ecosystem is still relatively young and there are not as many resources or established best practices as there are in the frontend development world.

One of the biggest challenges I have faced is learning to think differently about data storage and security. In traditional web development, data is typically stored on centralized servers and protected by traditional security measures such as firewalls and password hashing. In the decentralized web, data is stored on a distributed network of nodes and secured through cryptographic methods such as hashing and digital signatures.

Another challenge has been understanding the unique economic and business models of decentralized applications. In traditional web development, revenue is typically generated through advertising or subscription models. In the decentralized web, revenue can be generated through cryptocurrency transactions, token sales, and other mechanisms.

Despite these challenges, I have found the transition to be incredibly rewarding. The decentralized web has the potential to fundamentally change the way we think about data ownership, privacy, and control. As a developer in this space, I feel like I am making a tangible impact on the future of the internet.

Overall, the transition from frontend to web3 and blockchain development has been a great experience. It has pushed me to learn new technologies and think about problem in a different way, which has been a great opportunity for professional growth. And I have no doubt that the web3 and blockchain will continue to evolve and revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world.

Thanks for reading this blog, if you have any queries or just want to connect with me. Please follow this link samyogdhital. I am highly active on twitter.

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