Recursive Feature Elimination or RFE is primarily used for Feature ranking.
Given an external estimator that assigns weights to features (e.g., the coefficients of a linear model), the goal of recursive feature elimination (RFE) is to select features by recursively considering smaller and smaller sets of features.
First, the estimator is trained on the initial set of features and the importance of each feature is obtained either through any specific attribute or callable.
Then, the least important features are pruned from current set of features.
That procedure is recursively repeated on the pruned set until the desired number of features to select is eventually reached.
RFECV performs RFE in a cross-validation loop to find the optimal number of features.
First lets get to know how many types of feature selection is provided in sklearn.
The classes in the sklearn.feature_selection module can be used for feature selection/dimensionality reduction on sample sets, either to improve estimators’ accuracy scores or to boost their performance on very high-dimensional datasets.
- Removing features with low variance_(Not applicable for dynamic data)_: >VarianceThreshold is a simple baseline approach to feature selection. >It removes all features whose variance doesn’t meet some threshold.
- Univariate feature selection_(Not applicable for multivariate data): >Univariate feature selection works by selecting the best features based on univariate statistical tests. > It can be seen as a preprocessing step to an estimator. > _SelectKBest removes all but the highest scoring features > SelectPercentile removes all but a user-specified highest scoring percentage of features using common univariate statistical tests for each feature: false positive rate SelectFpr, false discovery rate SelectFdr, or family wise error SelectFwe. > GenericUnivariateSelect allows to perform univariate feature selection with a configurable strategy. This allows to select the best univariate selection strategy with hyper-parameter search estimator.
- Recursive feature elimination > Recursive feature elimination with cross-validation is also available
- Feature selection using SelectFromModel
- Sequential Feature Selection
- Feature selection as part of a pipeline
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