DEV Community

Discussion on: howto make the DEVTO community even friendlier

savagepixie profile image

Hi Clive, I am going to give you my personal view of the matter for the sake of a healthy discussion. But if this is prompted by any particular action that you disagree with, I would encourage you to discuss it with the pertinent moderator.

What you suggest would make sense if removing tags was some sort of punishment, but it isn't. Tags are meant to help organise the content in the community. As such, tag moderators add and remove tags based on whether the content fits the guidelines or not.

Presumably, if you've published an aricle it's because you want it published that way. If you wanted to say other things, you would have done so. What we do when we add or remove a tag is to help make the article fit where it should be. We are not here to edit content but to organise it.

Therefore, it doesn't make sense that we should tell users to change the content of their articles. They can write about whatever they want. We are not here to tell people to change the content of their articles but to help put them in their right category.

osde8info profile image
Clive Da
