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Javascript regex part 6 specify number of matches

How to specify upper and lower number of matches

Previously when we would look for a specific number of matches we would use the * sign for zero or more matches and the + for one or more matches. You can also specify a certain range of patterns with the {} sign which are called quantity specifiers.

For example what if we wanted to only match the letter o between 3 and 7 times? Here is how you would code it out:

let firstOh = 'oooh';
let secondOh = 'oh';
let searchForO = /o{3,9}h/;

searchForO.test(firstOh) // returns true
searchForO.test(secondOh) // returns false
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How to specify lower number of matches only

If you want to only specify the lower number with no upper limit you use the same syntax as above without a second number after the comma:

let firstOh = 'oooh';
let secondOh = 'oh';
let thirdOh = 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooh'
let searchForO = /o{3,}h/;

searchForO.test(firstOh) // returns true
searchForO.test(secondOh) // returns false
searchForO.test(thirdOh) // returns true
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How to specify an exact number of matches

If you want to specify only an exact number of matches you will have just one number between {}:

et firstLow = 'Looow';
let secondLow = 'Low';
let thirdLow = 'Loooooooooooooooooooooooow'
let searchForO = /Lo{3}w/;

searchForO.test(firstLow) // returns true
searchForO.test(secondLow) // returns false
searchForO.test(thirdLow) // returns false
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