DEV Community


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What are you currently working on?

What I'm working on

I'm building an android native note taking app.

Oldest comments (7)

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

Nice! It's always interesting to see different approach to note taking. Knowledge preservation is always interesting.

I"m writing a book: Building Your Mouseless Development Environment.

It will teach:

  1. How to install Arch Linux with precise explanations to learn a ton about Linux systems.
  2. Creating a personalized installer of Arch Linux to learn a ton about bash scripting.
  3. Installing and configuring i3, zsh, tmux and Vim.
  4. Put the installer and the dotfiles on Github. You can then install your own system (with every program you need, configured as you want) on any computer by running a bash script.
  5. Building a custom, scalable and mouseless development environment which adapt to your own way of working. I give guidelines, you can customize it as much as you want.
seanolad profile image

I'm a linux user, so I'm def going to check it out with my dad.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

Nice :)

mxldevs profile image
MxL Devs

A "chat roulette" discord bot. There's an example video here.

seanolad profile image


saracunn profile image
Sara Cunningham

I am currently working on a UX design fix. I am doing a lot of information architecture work, user interviews, user personas, and user research. I am actually blogging my work if you are interested:)

seanolad profile image
Sean • Edited

Cool, I'll check it out!!