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Shahid Mansuri
Shahid Mansuri

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What Makes Angular the Most Preferable Web Development Framework?

Its first version, AngularJS, became in a very short time the de facto standard for the development of advanced web applications.


In September 2016 Google released the definitive version of what it called at the time Angular 2, and that is now simply Angular. This new framework has been built on years of work and feedback from users using AngularJS (version 1.x of the framework). Its development took more than 2 years.

It is not a new version or an evolution of AngularJS, but it is a new product, with its own concepts and techniques. In addition, Angular uses as its main programming language TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript/ECMAScript that greatly facilitates the AngularJS development.

Further we will explain the reasons how Angular makes an advance web development framework:

Does not make you think

Since Angular is a framework, it offers many more "opinions" and serial features than a simple library.

With other similar software, the most common is having to "pull" from several third-party libraries when developing an app.

The most likely is that you need some additional to do the routing, for the management of dependencies, to make calls to REST APIs, to do the testing, etc.

Angular offers more "opinions" as a series, helping you to start without being intimidated by decision making. That is to say, with Angular you already know from the start how to organize the code and how to perform the different tasks you need for the architecture of the application.

A very important issue is that this consistency that you impose also helps companies to hire new programmers or to bring new people to the teams. A new programmer who returns to an Angular project feels at home quickly, because if you know Angular knows the way things are done with this framework. This also facilitates the exchange of programmers between projects.


Although you can program in "pure" ECMAScript, Angular's team decided that it would do all the development with the TypeScript language and almost all the documentation and examples you find out there use this language.

To many people this will seem an error, but the criterion that has followed the team of Angular on the variety of JavaScript to use has many advantages.

For example, ES6 (that is, ECMAScript 2015) offers several different ways of declaring an object, which may confuse many. With TypeScript this does not happen, and all the syntax and the way of doing things in the code is the same, which adds coherence to the information and the way of reading the code.

Although Angular does not force you to use TypeScript, the Angular core team has adopted it and the documentation suggests using TypeScript by default.

This consistency should help to avoid confusion and overload in the decision making derived from starting with Angular. In the long term it is a better and easier way of maintaining applications.

Web components

A component in Angular is a piece of code that can be reused in other Angular projects with little effort that allows a much more agile application development moving from a "costly" MVC to a puzzle game with our components.

The design of Angular adopts the standard of web components. It is a set of APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable and self-contained HTML tags which you can then use in other web pages and applications. These custom components will work in modern browsers and with any JavaScript library or framework that works with HTML.

The components that you create in Angular are easy to convert into native web components. Hence more reuse of work makes it the first choice of every web application development company.

A path to a stable future

One of the big problems of the current JavaScript world is that there are so many changes and so frequent that everyone ends up "burned" just trying to keep up with the latest news.

In fact, some JavaScript libraries hit so many changes from their appearance until they became stable that most of the information out there is outdated.Not to mention that the code developed years ago is no longer valid and you have to update it.

Here are some interesting patterns of growth and decline of Javascript open-source


Angular is the careful and methodical reinvention of a mature framework such as AngularJS. From the appearance of its first stable version in September of 2016, they assure that there is a team behind taking well-considered and deliberate decisions about the future which will avoid the rush and characterizes other libraries and frameworks.

Great tool support

When you program you will rarely do it in a plain text editor. You will use advanced editors, IDEs and other related tools such as "Linters" (style reviewers and good practices in the code).

The Angular templates store separately the code of the user interface and the business logic, so you can take advantage of the many existing tools to edit this type of files. Other frameworks such as React, for example, mix all the code in the same file. While this may have its advantages and it hinders the use of standard development tools.

In addition, the main editors and IDEs already offer extensions to work with this framework in the most comfortable way possible.

Top comments (3)

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