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Genetic Algorithm Basics

Genetic algorithm is another branch of artificial intelligence that takes inspirations from Darwin's theory of evolution. Genetic algorithm is useful in solving optimization problems where a good-enough solution is acceptable as opposed to best solution. Good-enough because getting the best solution can take a long time or a lot of resources to compute. For example, genetic algorithm is useful for solving timetable scheduling and bin packing problems. Not to be confused with the similarly named Genetic programming, genetic algorithm uses lists/arrays extensively; genetic programming uses trees instead.

Building blocks

Candidate solutions are encoded as chromosomes (also known as individuals); each chromosome is made up of multiple genes that encode the solution-space. Genetic algorithm "evolves" a population of individuals by crossing over and mutating them towards an acceptable solution, much like the natural, biological world. The pseudocode for a basic algorithm is as follows:

population = create_random_population
while continue_evolution?(population)
  population_crossed = crossover(population)
  population_mutated = mutate(population_crossed)
  population = population_mutated

The pseudocode shows two genetic operators in use: crossover and mutation. Crossover is the process of producing a child solution from two or more parent solutions (think breeding/mating). By combining portions of good solutions, the algorithm is likely able to produce better and better child solutions as generations pass (genetic-algorithm-speak for iterations). Mutation randomly changes some genes within the chromosome, thus creating genetic diversity in the population. However, when crossover and mutation rates are too high, fitter individuals might be lost during evolution; when rates are too low, potentially strong individuals might never enter the gene pool. Introducing elitism mitigates some effects of crossover and mutations. Elitism keeps a handful of the fittest individuals in the current generation untouched for interacting with individuals in the next generation.


Crossover, also known as recombination, can be implemented in
several ways:

  1. Uniform crossover: each gene in selected parents has equal probability in being inherited by the offspring, e.g., when there are two parents, each gene in the offspring has a 50/50 chance of coming from either parents.
  2. Single-point crossover: a common point on both parents is picked randomly and the offspring will inherit the first parent's genes up till that point and the second's genes from that point onward as its genes, e.g., if the chromosome length is 10, and the common point randomly chosen is 7, the offspring will inherit the first 7 genes from the first parent and the last 3 genes from the second.
  3. Two-point crossover: two common points on both parents are picked randomly and the offspring will inherit the genes within the two points from the first parent and the rest from the second, e.g., if the chromosome length is 10, and the common points are 3 and 6, the offspring will inherit the first 2 genes from the second parent, the next 4 genes from the first, and the remainder from the second parent.


Mutation can be implemented in one of the following ways:

  1. Flip bit: invert the gene's value, if it is encoded as ones and zeroes
  2. Boundary: replace the gene with a random value between the specified upper and lower bound
  3. Swap: swap the gene selected for mutation with another in the same chromosome; this implementation is useful when the chromosome cannot allow duplicate values/genes
  4. Uniform: create a new (valid) individual with randomly initialized chromosome, and mutate (randomly) selected genes of the individual (not the newly created one) by taking genes from the newly created individual, e.g., if genes 1, 3, and 5 from an individual (ID1) are to be mutated, uniform mutation will take genes from 1, 3, and 5 from the newly created individual and substitute them at genes 1, 3, and 5 of the mutated ID1; it feels a little like uniform crossover, except that the offspring will take genes from the randomly-created individual when mutation_rate > rand

Genes and chromosomes

Genes can be encoded in any way that makes sense for the problem on hand, although they commonly are encoded numerically. For example, a binary-encoded chromosome could be created as follows:

chromosome_length = 100
chromosome = { |_| rand 2 }

The Ruby code above creates an array of length 100 with randomly generated numbers between 0s and 1s.

Based on the chromosome, the genetic algorithm will calculate the fitness of the individual, usually normalized to values between 0 and 1. The higher the fitness score, the better the individual is/the closer the program is to solving the problem. Survival of the fittest, if you'd like.1


Selection is the process of choosing individuals from the population for crossover. Although elites are favored, they shouldn't be the only ones made available for crossovers; sometimes, genes of two seemingly weak individuals can create surprisingly fit offsprings.

Selection can be implemented in one of the following ways:

  1. Fitness proportionate: individuals with higher fitness scores are more likely to be selected, e.g., a population of 4 individuals with fitness scores as [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the first individual will only have 1/15 of a chance in getting chosen, but the last will have a 1/3 chance. This method is also known as roulette wheel selection.
  2. Tournament: k individuals are selected randomly from the population, and they compete with one another in several "tournaments;" in deterministic tournament, the best/fittest among the selected is always chosen.

First toy example: All-ones

This toy example is taken from the book Genetic Algorithms in Java Basics, but implemented in Ruby.2 This example shows how the basic blocks can be put together to solve problems with genetic algorithm; its goal is to evolve the individuals and stop when one of them whose chromosome contains genes that are all ones. Such trivial example do not require any other support classes/functions to work; those support classes/functions will distract the goal of understanding genetic algorithm implementations unnecessarily.

class Individual
  def Individual.of_length(length) { |_| rand 2 })

  attr_reader :chromosome, :fitness

  def initialize(chromosome)
    @chromosome = chromosome

  def calc_fitness!
    @fitness = @chromosome.sum / @chromosome.size.to_f

  def mate(spouse)
    offspring =   # pair up parents' genes
      map { |genes| genes[rand 2] }                   # randomly choose either one offspring

  def mutate(mutation_rate)
    mutated = do |gene|
      # when mutation should happen, then
      #   when gene = 1, (1 - 1).abs => 0; when 0, (0 - 1).abs => 1
      mutation_rate > rand ? (gene - 1).abs : gene
    end mutated

  def <=>(other)
    -1 * (@fitness <=>

  def to_s
    "#{@chromosome.join ''} (fitness: #{@fitness})"

Individual largely keeps track of the chromosome and its fitness. Specific to genetic algorithms are calc_fitness, mate, and mutate functions. calc_fitness simply 1 divide the sum of the chromosome, so nothing really to see here.

mate is the method used in crossovers; it accepts another Individual instance:

  1. Pairs up the parents' genes (e.g., if parents' genes were [1, 2], and [3, 4], [1, 2].zip [3, 4] returns [[1, 3], [2, 4]]
  2. Chooses randomly from the pairs of genes in the block given to map
  3. Creates and returns the offspring with the new genes

mutate is given the mutation rate, and it simply run through the entire chromosome and flip bit the gene when mutation_rate > rand.

<=> overrides the comparison to allow sorting fitness in descending order.

class Population
  def Population.of_size(size, chromosome_length) { |_| Individual.of_length chromosome_length})

  def initialize(individuals)
    @individuals = individuals

  def eval_individuals!
    @individuals.each { |i| i.calc_fitness! }
    @population_fitness = { |i| }.sum

  def crossover_individuals(crossover_rate, elitism_count)
    elites = @individuals.take elitism_count                      # keep elites for next gen
    crossed = @individuals[elitism_count..].map do |individual|   # cross the rest
      if crossover_rate > rand
        spouse = select_parent    # helper method
        individual.mate spouse
    end + crossed)

  def mutate_individuals(mutation_rate, elitism_count)
    elites = @individuals.take elitism_count
    mutated = @individuals[elitism_count..].map do |individual|
      individual.mutate mutation_rate
    end + mutated)

  def fittest

  def select_parent
    roulette_wheel_pos = rand * @population_fitness
    spin_wheel_pos = 0

    for individual in @individuals
      spin_wheel_pos +=

      return individual if spin_wheel_pos >= roulette_wheel_pos

    @individuals[-1]  # return last individual if for-loop completes its run

Population is the "container" for individuals, that has a class method to create a population with randomly initialized individuals (delegating to Individual.of_length). Both crossover_individuals and mutate_individuals methods are given the elitism_count parameter, so as to ensure the preservation of elites for the next generation (refer back to Building blocks for info).

crossover_individuals calls the private select_parent when it needs to select a parent for crossover with the current individual it is looping over. select_parent uses the fitness proportionate selection method to select the parent. Notice that the individuals available for selection include the elites (as evident on line 100 for individual in @individuals in select_parent method).

mutate_individuals simply loops through @individuals and delegates the mutation to the individual's mutate method.

eval_individuals makes all individuals to calculate their own fitness, and it also calculates the population's overall fitness (tracked by @population_fitness instance variable). Normally, there isn't a need to keep track of the population's fitness; the need arises because fitness proportionate selection method used in select_parent needs to know the population's overall fitness to function.

  mutation_rate = 0.01
  crossover_rate = 0.95
  elitism_count = 3
  population_size = 100
  chromosome_length = 50

  population = Population.of_size population_size, chromosome_length

  curr_generation = 1

  while < 1.0
    puts "Generation #{curr_generation} fittest: #{population.fittest}"

    next_gen = population.crossover_individuals crossover_rate, elitism_count
    next_gen = next_gen.mutate_individuals mutation_rate, elitism_count

    population = next_gen
    curr_generation += 1

  puts "Solution found in generation #{curr_generation}"
  puts population.fittest

The main program ties both Population and Individual up by implementing the pseudocode as outlined in Building blocks (except the addition of outputting the current fittest in the loop, and the fittest at the end of the program). With the given values to mutation_rate, crossover_rate and elitism_count, the program should arrive at the solution within 400 to 600 generations most of the time.

Real-world example: Class scheduling

Another example borrowed from the book but with a much simpler implementation: the algorithm attempts to generate a class schedule that meets the following hard criteria:

  1. Room must be able to fit in all students from the student group (assuming full-attendance)
  2. No room is double-booked for each timeslot
  3. No professor is teaching in any two sessions at the same time

Soft criteria such as ensuring the professor should not teach more than 2 consecutive sessions a day are not covered to simplify the discussion. By not catering for soft criteria, the algorithm does not account for the quality of the solutions found.

ROOMS = {1 => {name: 'A1', capacity: 15},
         2 => {name: 'B1', capacity: 30},
         4 => {name: 'D1', capacity: 20},
         5 => {name: 'F1', capacity: 25}}

SLOTS = {1  => 'Mon 09:00 - 11:00',
         2  => 'Mon 11:00 - 13:00',
         3  => 'Mon 13:00 - 15:00',
         4  => 'Tue 09:00 - 11:00',
         5  => 'Tue 11:00 - 13:00',
         6  => 'Tue 13:00 - 15:00',
         7  => 'Wed 09:00 - 11:00',
         8  => 'Wed 11:00 - 13:00',
         9  => 'Wed 13:00 - 15:00',
         10 => 'Thu 09:00 - 11:00',
         11 => 'Thu 11:00 - 13:00',
         12 => 'Thu 13:00 - 15:00',
         13 => 'Fri 09:00 - 11:00',
         14 => 'Fri 11:00 - 13:00',
         15 => 'Fri 13:00 - 15:00'}

PROFESSORS = {1 => 'Dr P Smith',
              2 => 'Mrs E Mitchell',
              3 => 'Dr R Williams',
              4 => 'Mr A Thompson'}

MODULES = {1 => {name: 'Computer Science',  professors: [1, 2]},
           2 => {name: 'English',           professors: [1, 3]},
           3 => {name: 'Maths',             professors: [1, 2]},
           4 => {name: 'Physics',           professors: [3, 4]},
           5 => {name: 'History',           professors: [4]},
           6 => {name: 'Drama',             professors: [1, 4]}}

STUDENT_GROUPS = {1  => {size: 10, modules: [1, 3, 4]},
                  2  => {size: 30, modules: [2, 3, 5, 6]},
                  3  => {size: 18, modules: [3, 4, 5]},
                  4  => {size: 25, modules: [1, 4]},
                  5  => {size: 20, modules: [2, 3, 5]},
                  6  => {size: 22, modules: [1, 4, 5]},
                  7  => {size: 16, modules: [1, 3]},
                  8  => {size: 18, modules: [2, 6]},
                  9  => {size: 24, modules: [1, 6]},
                  10 => {size: 25, modules: [3, 4]}}

SESSIONS = do |kv|
  sg_id = kv[0]
  size = kv[1][:size]
  kv[1][:modules].map { |m| {sg_id: sg_id, size: size, module: m} }

To keep things really simple, the data are hard-coded as maps. The last line calculates the total number of sessions the algorithm needs to work out. professors key in MODULES lists the professors (by ID) that can teach that module; similarly, modules key in STUDENT_GROUPS lists the modules that group is taking.

SESSIONS translates STUDENT_GROUPS into (class) sessions that needed to be conducted, e.g., the algorithm needs to schedule 3 sessions for student group 1: one for Computer Science, one for Maths, and one for Physics.

def random_room
  ROOMS.keys[rand ROOMS.size]

def random_slot
  SLOTS.keys[rand SLOTS.size]

def random_professor(sess_id)
  mod_id = SESSIONS[sess_id][:module]
  professors = MODULES[mod_id][:professors]
  professors[rand professors.size]

The above are helper functions for randomly choosing timeslot, and professor. When choosing a professor randomly, the function needs to know for which module's list of professors it need to look at.

class Individual

  def Individual.random_schedule do |sess_id|
      mod_id = SESSIONS[sess_id][:module]
      [random_room, random_slot, random_professor(mod_id)]

  attr_reader :chromosome, :fitness

  def initialize(chromosome)
    @chromosome = chromosome

  def calc_fitness
    gene_groups = to_gene_groups(@chromosome)
    clashes = from_room_capacity_vs_group_size gene_groups
    clashes += from_room_availability gene_groups
    clashes += from_professor_availability gene_groups

    @fitness = 1.0 / (clashes + 1)

  def mate(spouse)
    offspring = do |genes|
      genes[rand 2]
    end offspring

  def mutate(mutation_rate)
    other = Individual.random_schedule
    mutated = do |genes|
      genes[mutation_rate > rand ? 1 : 0]
    end mutated

  def to_s
    schedule = to_gene_groups(@chromosome).map do |v|
      sess, i = v
      room = "Room #{ROOMS[sess[ROOM_IX]][:name]}"
      slot = SLOTS[sess[SLOT_IX]]
      professor = PROFESSORS[sess[PROF_IX]]
      mod = MODULES[SESSIONS[i][:module]][:name]
      sg_id = SESSIONS[i][:sg_id]

      [sg_id, slot, mod, room, professor] do |s|
      s.join ','
    end.join "\n"

    "Schedule fitness #{@fitness}\n#{schedule}"

  def <=>(other)
    -1 * (@fitness <=>

  def to_gene_groups(chromosome)
    chromosome.each_slice(GENE_GROUP_SIZE).zip SESSIONS.size.times.to_a

  def from_room_capacity_vs_group_size(gene_groups) do |gg|
      sess, i = gg
      room_capacity = ROOMS[sess[ROOM_IX]][:capacity]
      group_size = SESSIONS[i][:size]
      room_capacity < group_size ? 1: 0

  def from_room_availability(gene_groups) do |gg|
      target = [gg[ROOM_IX], gg[SLOT_IX]]

      # must divide by 2, 'cos the following will always count itself once { |x| [x[ROOM_IX], x[SLOT_IX]] == target ? 1 : 0 }.sum / 2

  def from_professor_availability(gene_groups) do |gg|
      target = [gg[PROF_IX], gg[SLOT_IX]]

      # must divide by 2, 'cos the following will always count itself once { |x| [x[PROF_IX], x[SLOT_IX]] == target ? 1 : 0 }.sum / 2

Woah! This Individual implementation is huge! Let's break that down. The three biggest changes to Individual are how it creates a random individual, how it calculates its fitness, and how it mutates. Or put another way, only its mate method is identical to the toy example's.

Unlike the toy example, the chromosome cannot be examined in isolation: the entire chromosome needs to be examined in groups of 3 (evident at lines 2 and 3) where:

  1. First gene in group represents the room ID
  2. Second gene represents the timeslot ID
  3. Third represents the professor ID

Each group corresponds to the (class) session in SESSIONS. For simplicity in discussion, we'll call each group a gene group.

Individual.random_schedule uses the helper functions to generate the chromosome, and those helper functions ensure that the genes are always correct. Individual.random_schedule can't just do a rand(n) + 1 for each gene, as IDs in the hard-coded data aren't always in running order, e.g., there is no room ID 3. Such rigorous control ensures that all chromosomes are valid (even if they contain clashes).

Because of the need to ensure the chromosomes are valid, mutate uses uniform mutation (refer to description covered in mutation); it creates a valid random individual and uses that individual's genes at place where mutation should occur.

calc_fitness (seemingly) has the most complicated change: by examining all gene groups in the chromosome, it determines the number of clashes (or if you'd like, breaks in hard constraints) by calling the private helper methods from_room_capacity_vs_group_size, from_room_availability, and from_professor_availability. As highlighted in the code comments on lines 165 and 174, clashes counted in the latter two methods must be divided by two, as the counts include the (target) session itself. The code makes use of Ruby's integral division round-down behavior: Ruby returns 0 for the expression 1 / 2, 1 for 2 / 2 and 3 / 2. When there are 2 or more counts of the same constraint, we don't really care whether there are 2 or 3 or more breaks, thus Ruby's round-down behavior is good enough to account for the breaks.

class Population
  def Population.random_schedules(pop_size) { |_| Individual.random_schedule })

  def initialize(individuals)
    @individuals = individuals

  def eval_individuals!
    @individuals.each { |i| i.calc_fitness }
    @individuals = @individuals.sort

  def crossover_individuals!(crossover_rate, elitism_count, tournament_size)
    elites = @individuals.take elitism_count
    crossed = @individuals[elitism_count..].map do |i|
      if crossover_rate > rand
        i.mate select_parent(tournament_size)
    end + crossed)

  def mutate_individuals!(mutation_rate, elitism_count)
    elites = @individuals.take elitism_count
    mutated = @individuals[elitism_count..].map { |i| i.mutate mutation_rate } + mutated)

  def fittest

  def select_parent(tournament_size)
    candidates = @individuals.shuffle.take tournament_size

The main difference in Population is select_parent employs deterministic tournament selection (refer to description in Selection).

  pop_size = 100
  mutation_rate = 0.01
  crossover_rate = 0.9
  elitism_count = 2
  tournament_size = 5
  max_generations = 1000
  curr_gen = 1

  population = Population.random_schedules pop_size

  while curr_gen < max_generations && < 1.0
    puts "Generation #{curr_gen} fittest: #{}"

    next_gen = population.crossover_individuals!(crossover_rate, elitism_count,
    population = next_gen.mutate_individuals! mutation_rate, elitism_count

    curr_gen += 1

  puts "Best solution found: #{population.fittest}"

The main program is largely the same, except the introduction of tournament_size that is used in selecting parents for crossovers. The following shows one possibility of the schedule (reformatted for the web):

 1, Fri 09:00 - 11:00, Maths,            Room B1, Dr R Williams
 1, Mon 13:00 - 15:00, Physics,          Room D1, Mrs E Mitchell
 1, Tue 09:00 - 11:00, Computer Science, Room D1, Dr P Smith
 2, Fri 09:00 - 11:00, History,          Room B1, Mr A Thompson
 2, Mon 11:00 - 13:00, English,          Room B1, Mr A Thompson
 2, Mon 13:00 - 15:00, Drama,            Room B1, Mr A Thompson
 2, Wed 11:00 - 13:00, Maths,            Room B1, Dr P Smith
 3, Mon 13:00 - 15:00, History,          Room D1, Mr A Thompson
 3, Tue 13:00 - 15:00, Maths,            Room B1, Dr P Smith
 3, Wed 09:00 - 11:00, Physics,          Room D1, Dr P Smith
 4, Tue 13:00 - 15:00, Computer Science, Room B1, Dr P Smith
 4, Wed 09:00 - 11:00, Physics,          Room F1, Dr P Smith
 5, Thu 11:00 - 13:00, History,          Room D1, Mr A Thompson
 5, Thu 11:00 - 13:00, Maths,            Room B1, Dr P Smith
 5, Wed 11:00 - 13:00, English,          Room D1, Mr A Thompson
 6, Thu 11:00 - 13:00, Computer Science, Room B1, Mrs E Mitchell
 6, Tue 09:00 - 11:00, History,          Room F1, Mr A Thompson
 6, Tue 09:00 - 11:00, Physics,          Room B1, Mrs E Mitchell
 7, Fri 13:00 - 15:00, Maths,            Room D1, Dr P Smith
 7, Tue 09:00 - 11:00, Computer Science, Room D1, Dr P Smith
 8, Thu 13:00 - 15:00, English,          Room F1, Mr A Thompson
 8, Tue 09:00 - 11:00, Drama,            Room D1, Mr A Thompson
 9, Mon 13:00 - 15:00, Drama,            Room B1, Mr A Thompson
 9, Tue 13:00 - 15:00, Computer Science, Room F1, Mrs E Mitchell
10, Fri 09:00 - 11:00, Maths,            Room F1, Dr R Williams
10, Thu 09:00 - 11:00, Physics,          Room B1, Mrs E Mitchell

As mentioned, soft criteria are not accounted for by this algorithm, but implementing requires a slight change in calculating the individual's fitness:

  1. Breaks in hard criteria attract large negative scores, e.g., -100 for each break
  2. Breaks in soft criteria attract small positive scores, e.g., +1 for each break

Care must be taken for such scoring method to ensure points from soft criteria do not cancel out points from hard ones, e.g., 1 hard break (-100 points) is not cancelled out by 100 soft breaks (+100 points). When soft criteria are included, the fitness score may not necessarily be 1 because the (fittest) solution may not meet all soft criteria, but solutions that consider soft criteria definitely differ from one other in terms of quality: a solution with fitness 0.5 (one soft break) is better than another with fitness 0.33 (two soft breaks).

Last note on crossovers

As the two examples above use uniform crossover, let's touch a bit on single-point crossover. What follows is equally applicable to two-point crossover.

The algorithm cannot simply choose any point in the chromosome for single-point crossover, as that may break the chromosome's validity. As seen in the class scheduling example, genes should be viewed in groups of three. Therefore, the following implementation is wrong:

def mate(spouse)
  common_point = rand @chromosome.size    # NO!
  offspring = @chromosome.take(common_point) + spouse.chromosome[common_point..] offspring

Assuming rand @chromosome.size returns 1, this implementation of mate will likely invalidate the first three genes that should be viewed as a group.

The following shows the correct implementation that crosses over the genes in gene groups:

def mate(spouse)
  groups = @chromosome.size / GENE_GROUP_SIZE     # assuming GENE_GROUP_SIZE = 3
  common_point = rand(groups) * GENE_GROUP_SIZE
  offspring = @chromosome.take(common_point) + spouse.chromosome[common_point..] offspring

Closing thoughts

Genetic algorithms aren't that difficult, considering that the class schedule example has only 255 LOC. Adding optimizations such as fitness calculation memoization, adaptive algorithms3 will probably add another 10 - 100 LOC, but even so, it's doing so much with so little code.

While genetic algorithm isn't as "sexy" as machine learning, it's definitely one useful tool for solving optimization problems.

This post Genetic Algorithms Basics first appeared first on Bit by Bit

  1. Herbert Spencer coined this phrase after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. This phrase is best understood as "survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations." On a side note, the other oft-heard phrase "[i]t is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change" did not originate from Charles Darwin. A Louisiana State University business professor, Leon C. Megginson, first used that phrase--his idiosyncratic interpretation on Darwin's On the Origin of Species--at a convention in 1963. 

  2. Because the overly verbose Java syntax masks the otherwise simple concepts of genetic algorithm. Other than the difference in language choice, the following also reorganizes the code to make it more cohesive and simpler to understand (the book's insistence in create a specific GeneticAlgorithm class hurts cohesiveness big time). 

  3. Adaptive genetic algorithm tunes various parameters (mutation rate, crossover rate, etc) based on the state of the algorithm, e.g., it increases the mutation rate to encourage increasing the gene pool diversity when it detects very little difference between the individuals. 

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