I’m writing this story not because I am single [💔] but because I am tired of solving bugs alone.
For me, it is just a fun way to present...
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I think humans are a little more complex than that 😅 I’ve met quite a few of developers and the vast majority had hobbies and interests outside of development. And I’m yet to meet one that enjoys debugging.
Some people I worked with over the years do like grand gestures and are romantic to the core, some aren’t interested in relationships at all and most are somewhere in between.
Most couples I know of have only one dev in them: they’re married or dating designers, musicians, architects (and not the software ones) and sales people or even product managers, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that IT isn’t what brought them together.
And even in a scenario where both people are working in the exact same IT role, like yours truly and my partner, it wasn’t JavaScript that kicked off our relationship; we still have occasional holy wars over methodologies and certain tools.
And if you’re looking for a general approach, I think in the end of the day deep care and respect for each with a dash of shared values would take you a longer way than an IT pun. Show interest, ask how you can help, be yourself and try and see your love interest for all what they are.
@valeriavg I couldn't agree more.
I would also add that whilst I see the intended humour in this article it does highlight a very real problem. The expectation on others of how they should accommodate me/us as opposed to putting in the time and effort to understand what drives the other person and what makes them happy.
This is perfectly encapsulates the world today and the simple reason why so many people aren't able to find happiness in their lives.
It's not just about love relationships either, it extends to our friendships and personal working relationships too. Self entitlement is a disgusting trait.
I don't even see this as a "young person's problem". I've witnessed it in people of all ages including those who have known better but seem to have forgotten.
I think that social media contributed to starting these trends by encouraging people to be self centred.
I like how you highlight the absence of time to put in effort into a relationship and draw parallels between different types of relationships.
While social networks might contribute negatively, I think they’re a symptom more than a source of all evil.
I wouldn’t know what causes the general unhappiness: it’s very individual. If I’m to generalise I’d bet on unmet needs and how much time and effort one needs to put into having a roof over their head and food in the table nowadays.
Well said.
Sorry, I read you first line and shut down. Humans aren't more complicated than that. Lol.
It’s a pity you stopped there since the rest of my comment was the reasoning I had for that claim and we would’ve had a fruitful conversation where you’d provide yours, but alas :)
All good. I did actually read it, just being a jack... :)
I see :) So what’s your reasoning for humans being not that complicated?
I think we often overcomplicate things, but at our core, humans are driven by pretty simple motivations
So what drives me? What drives you? Is it the same thing?
You're right, it's unfortunate that we didn't get to exchange our thoughts fully!
No worries, I get it! Sometimes the first line says it all. 😄
You are expecting too much from a chat gpt article 😅
Oo Really, i guess this screenshot is for you
feel free to "Copy Paste" and check
Good to see that, my bad, the cheesy pickup lines made me think that it was written by an AI.
Pickup lines were indeed from pintrest
Your humor and tech references make flirting with developers sound like a fun puzzle. The geeky compliments are spot on! Maybe, I should try ones😅😅
Thanks a lot, let me know how well did it go
Finally my motivation to write more
Ah this just made my day!!!!
I'm glad
def have to try these out
Sure, i would keen to know how it went
Oh hi
👏 very good thought 😃
Wow!!!! On point!!
High five
Thanks for sharing you made my kotlin + vue.js project easier I was stuck losing hope but you brought back my motivations
I'm glad you're motivated.
This is such a unique post. Absolutely love it!
Thanks a lot, part 2 coming soon
Great 👍
Thank you
Wow, this was such a fun read! Thanks for giving us a reason to laugh and smile today.😅😅
You're welcome, keep reading
I've never seen so many memes in one place.
Good one
Thanks a lot
Okay this is dope. I enjoyed reading this.
Thanks a lot for your comment, keep reading
The headline is fire! 😂
“We’ve been in beta for a while. Do you think we’re ready to push this relationship to production?”
Well, that's a unique way to inquire about having babies.
lol :D
Quite a long post but quite insightful
Thanks a lot
Your article is a compile-time error fix for my day! Laughed so hard I almost crashed my IDE. Keep the humor in the repository!
Thanks a lot for ur comment
Hahaha, this has made my day! It is really fun, and some things you mention may be true for haunting some developers hearts.
Thanks a lot for kind comment, part2 coming soon
This is cringgggyyy