DEV Community

Theodor Heiselberg
Theodor Heiselberg

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Run lunarvim in a devcontainer

Let's play with lunarvim

This is both fun and easy. Unfortunately the dockerfiles found in luarvim's own repos was not working for me. So here is a version which will run on apple silicon.

    "name": "lunarvim-devcontainer",
    "dockerFile": "Dockerfile.lunarvim"
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# Use a stable version of Alpine as the base image
FROM alpine:3.18

# Set up the working directory

# Set environment variables
ENV HOME_DIR="/home/lunaruser"
ENV LV_BRANCH="release-1.4/neovim-0.9"
ENV PATH="$PATH:$HOME_DIR/.local/bin"

# Install dependencies
RUN apk update && \
apk add --no-cache \
yarn \
git \
python3 \
cargo \
neovim \
ripgrep \
alpine-sdk \
bash \

# Add a non-root user and group
RUN addgroup -S lunaruser && \
    adduser -S lunaruser -G lunaruser --shell /bin/sh

# Switch to the non-root user
USER lunaruser

# Run LunarVim installation as the non-root user
RUN curl -s$LV_BRANCH/utils/installer/ | \
    bash -s -- --no-install-dependencies

# Set default command to open LunarVim - when running directly in a docker container
# CMD ["/home/lunaruser/.local/bin/lvim"]
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>> lvim [enter]

Image description


You could just run the container interactively:

>> cd /your-path/.devcontainer/

>> docker build -t my-lunarvim-image -f Dockerfile.lunarvim . 

>> docker run -it --rm -v .:/home/lunaruser/project -w /home/lunaruser/project my-lunarvim-image /bin/bash
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