Hello everyone, this blog post will be about my update regarding to Release 0.2. What problem did I face, and how to resolve them.
I have to say that looking for issues takes me forever. I want to further have more practice with JavaScript, so I head into this page to find any issues with JavaScript related. And I found that this project interested me, and the reason why is because it is a "full-stack" projects. I want to contribute to "small" full-stack project first, then further expand my knowledge, which enables me to build the fundamental.
The issue I found in this project is about when user has a long email address, it will go over the box, which makes it look not good for user interface. The issue is found, but I have to spend some times to see the code structure of this project, as well as knowing the functionalities of each .js
file. And I found one interesting concept, and it is also new to me because I have never heard or using it before, which is supabase. it is an open source Firebase alternative, and provides all the backend services that we need to build a product. I usually use MongoDB to save the data before, but never know about supabase.
When I try to run the project locally, I face this problem and I have no idea what I am missing
The maintainer just asked me to create .env
file for the API key the client_secret
key. When I try to run the project locally, I face this problem because the project is using supabase, but I did not include the supabaseUrl
, so it does not allow the project to create a client. I researched what supabase is and why I encountered that problem, and I need to add the key in order to run this project successfully on my machine
REACT_APP_SUPABASE_URL_KEY_PUB= eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoiYW5vbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzMzg4NzYwNCwiZXhwIjoxOTQ5NDYzNjA0fQ.fxjuENwSq1mulGqA4OOnrbcZu-sW3EVVfHNQjOU0vOs
When trying to resolve the issue, I encountered error that not related to the issue I am doing. New things come in my mind, the maintainer is so friendly, we had a private chat and he answered all my questions I have in his project. And my pull request can be found here.
I made some changes in PetInfo.js
file, and PetInfo.css
Thank you for reading.
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