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4 2 Integration tutorial - Developer Guide 1.3

Advanced Features

Actions Integration offers four types of actions - Services, Utility, Premium and Custom.


This section provides actions for more than 150 applications and IoT devices from different categories such as analytics, CRM, communication, productivity, sales & marketing, social, storage, etc. View the full list.

To use a particular action in your workflow, look for the Service in the Connectors menu and simply drag the icon on to the canvas.

Double clicking on it opens the action configuration window. From here, you can view all the actions available for the selected service and use them in your workflows.

Utility Integration has developed a set of customized actions by connecting applications and services to other utilities in development.

API Specs: Build your favorite actions with Swagger/RAML - API description standards, without writing code.

Archive: Create a ZIP archive of multiple files in a specific folder or unzip files contained in a specified path.

Data Store: Store one or more key-value pairs in the Integration database or local storage and retrieve it whenever required. Integration offers three types of data stores - Flow Store, Account Store and Memory Store.

DevOps Tools: Execute and run multiple shell commands over an SSH connection.

Developer Tools: Build custom integrations and customize the behavior of the platform to seamlessly scale up as the number of endpoints increases.

File: Create, access and update files on Integration’s local storage.

HTTP: Make a HTTP request to your server.

JSON Tools: Convert any JavaScript string into an object or JavaScript value into a string in JSON format.

Loop: Create a mini workflow within a workflow that runs an action or a set of actions repeatedly till it reaches a specified count.

Notification: Send a quick email to any recipient from ‘’ email address.

Operations: Sort a specific array in either an ascending or descending order.

SMTP: Send mail to a specified recipient via a TCP-IP protocol.

Spreadsheet: View information and transform the data contained in a Spreadsheet on Integration’s local storage.

Transform: Convert data stored in a specific format into another format. Some of the data conversion options offered by Integration are - XML to JSON, JSON to CSV, JSON to XML, CSV to JSON, and JSON to HTML.

Webmaster Tools: Analyze data and gain useful insights to verify the correctness of a webpage.


The premium category contains the list of connectors exclusively available to trial users and paid accounts. Using Premium connectors, you can create custom actions. Currently, Integration offers 20+ Premium connectors.


If a particular action is not yet available in Integration, you can create your own custom actions using Node.js. Integration provides you an action builder that lets you insert custom code and create different actions, which look and work exactly the way other actions do.

Custom actions can be created from the ‘Custom’ tab under the ‘Connectors’ panel. Integration offers a basic code structure in the console for your reference.

Once you create a Custom Action, it is saved under the Custom tab. You can create, edit, and delete custom actions from this tab.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you understand how to create a custom action with Node.js


Switch is a selection control statement that lets you define multiple conditions and their corresponding execution paths for a workflow.

Suppose your organization has a support request form on the website where customers can raise requests for different departments. Using Switch, you can have these support requests automatically assigned to the right department, such as IT, Operations, Marketing, HR or others.

The execution paths are defined using cases. Each case specifies the condition(s) to be met along with the next action to be executed if the condition is met.

The cases are evaluated sequentially. As soon as a case succeeds, the next action associated with it is executed, while the rest of the cases are discarded. You can optionally specify a Default Case, which is executed if none of the other cases succeed.

Understand how to set up Switch cases.


The Loop action lets you run an action or a set of actions in a loop.

When you drag this action to the canvas, it looks like a block, within which you can add multiple actions and create a mini-workflow. When you execute the workflow, Integration executes the workflow inside the Loop action repeatedly till it reaches the specified count. Integration offers two types of loops:

Times: Lets you do a particular thing x number of times

Each Item: Lets you perform a certain action(s) for all the elements of a collection

Understand the Loop action in detail.

Clock Integration offers a Clock trigger that allows you to run a workflow automatically at a particular date or time.

There are seven types of Clock triggers:

Once: Run a workflow at a specific date and time.

Repeat: Trigger a workflow at defined intervals. The interval can be scheduled in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years. So, for instance, if you select 10 minutes, the workflow will run every 10 minutes from the moment you save it.

Repeat From: Repeat a workflow from a particular date and time at defined intervals.

Repeat From To: Set up a trigger within a specific date and time range and run it at defined intervals.

Daily, Weekly and Monthly: Run a workflow at defined intervals within a specified date and time range on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.


The Logger action lets you view the output of the preceding action or a workflow.

Let us understand how Logger works with the help of an example.

This is a sample workflow which retrieves the list of notebooks in your Evernote account. With the help of the Logger action, we can view its output in the console logs.

While configuring the Logger action, you can click on a particular key to retrieve a specific value or select the entire object of the previous action to get all the details in the Log Data field.

Next, the workflow is saved and run by clicking the Test button located at the top right corner of the canvas.

You can check the logs of this workflow from the Debug Panel located at the bottom left of the page.

Under the Logs Tab, you will see the Console section which contains the output of our sample workflow. Likewise, you can use this action to get an instant view of the output of any workflow.

App Switcher

Software AG offers various cloud products to help you connect, scale and grow your digital business. Using the App Switcher, you can quickly switch between Integration platform, My Cloud and other Software AG Cloud products that you have signed up for. The App Switcher also gives you access to the Flow Editor.

When you click on My Cloud, you get access to the Administration page (only accessible to users who have been assigned the Cloud-Tenant-Administrator role) as well as links to other Software AG Cloud products.

From here, you can:

  • View, find and add users in your tenant
  • View the complete list of roles available in your tenant
  • Update the password policy for users

Read next: Integration tutorial – Working with Workflows

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