Creating an Azure Windows Virtual Machine involves configuring basic settings, disks, networking, and management options. Once deployed, you can connect to your VM using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The Azure portal provides a user-friendly interface to guide you through each step of the process.
Let's get started
Step 1: Create an Azure Account
If you do not have an azure account sign up for one
Step 2: Navigate to the Virtual Machines Section
On the left-hand menu, click on "Virtual machines".
Click on the "Create" button and select "Azure virtual machine.
Step 3: Choose a subscription and Resource group
Subscription: Choose the Azure subscription you want to use.
Resource Group: Select an existing resource group or create a new one.
Step 4: Configure the instance details
- Virtual Machine Name: Enter a name for your VM.
- Region: Choose the region where you want to deploy the VM.
- Availability Options: Select the availability options (e.g., no infrastructure redundancy required, availability zone, etc.).
- Image: Choose "Windows Server" and then select the specific version of Windows Server you need.
Step 5: Choose a preferred size
Click on "See all sizes" and choose the size of the VM based on your requirements (e.g., DS1_v2, B2s).
Step 6: Configure the Administrator Account
- Username: Enter a username for the administrator account.
Password: Enter a strong password and confirm it.
Step 7: Configure Inbound Port Rules
- choose Allow selected ports and select "RDP (3389)" under the "Select inbound ports" section.
Step 8: Review and create
Leave the remaining defaults and then select the Review + create button at the bottom of the page to start deployment.
Step 9: Post-Deployment Steps.
- Once the deployment is complete, you can connect to your VM:
- Navigate to the Virtual Machine: Go to the Virtual Machines section in the Azure portal and select your newly created VM.
- Connect to the VM: Click on the "Connect" button and choose RDP. Download the RDP file and open it.
Log in: Use the administrator username and password you configured during the VM setup to log in to the VM.
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