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We created an online version of the social Mafia game for The MongoDB Atlas Hackathon!

Overview of My Submission

I have always been a huge fan of the Mafia game, and it's one of my favourite games to play with family and friends.
Usually we play in a 5 or 6 players setting, that means that one player needs to be the game master so they can manage
and coordinate the game for the other players.
One day I got an idea, why not make the whole process automated, without the need for a game master, so the extra player could join in the game?
And so we did!
Let me introduce you to Mafia, the online multiplayer Mafia based game. Built using React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB!
One player creates a room and the other players can join the same room, after the agreed on amount of players join the game would start and the rest is automated for you to experience the best Mafia game!
It features a total of 11 roles, with 7 being Town roles, and 4 being Mafia roles. An algorithm assigns teams and roles automatically by detecting the amount of players, while
still making sure the roles and teams assignments are random every game
The game manages the day discussions, voting and night cycles for you, and gives you feedback on the actions you choose.
The minimum players limit is 4 and while there is no max limit, we recommend 16 as to not experience issues with the game's server 🥵.
The game is mobile-first responsive to ensure a solid and error-free experience on portable devices.
What are you waiting for? Get some friends, then start playing immediately by visiting this link! 😄

Submission Category:

Choose Your Own Adventure

Link to Code


Additional Resources / Info

Main Menu

Create Game


Mafia Killed

Player died



  • ReactJS - A frontend library/framework for building UI
  • NodeJS - A javascript runtime environment
  • ExpressJS - A back end web application framework for Node.js
  • SocketIO - a library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server
  • MongoDB - cross-platform document-oriented database


Aws Nafea

Retry later

Top comments (2)

awsnafea profile image
Aws Mohammed Nafea Nafea

It is a great honor to work with you. You have proved your skills and creativity in converting ideas into programming codes. I wish you continued success in your career

thatonearab profile image

The pleasure is mine! You were amazing to work with and I wish you prosperity and success.

Retry later
Retry later