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20 Basic React Questions to help you as you learn

Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻 on October 18, 2020

Learning React can be challenging in the first few weeks. Getting to know how to use props when to use class or functional components. I am still o...
mirokole profile image

When I'm at work I obviously can't code so I read documentation (pls don't tell my boss hehe). And this is by far my favorite read.

This explanations are very clear, interesting and understandable. I'm a beginner in JS and React world so this helps me a lot.

Thank you!

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Haha, I won't tell your boss, I promise. 🙂
Yeah, the links are where I got the question and answers from. I thought it would be useful if I shared them with my fellow beginners on the same journey as me.
Glad they helped in any way. 💯🙌🏽

alexmelw profile image
Alex Melvin • Edited

In case you wonder what are the arrow functions:
(x) => ({}) is equivalent to function(x) { return {} }.bind(this)

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Yeah, I read about it in free code camp. But using arrow functions is easier.

promikecoder2020 profile image

Remember than when you use virtual Dom under the hood the framework uses real dom manipulation at some point. The myth that this was faster than connecting directly to the real DOM has been disproven many many times

ljcdev profile image

Awesome continuation to the series 😆!! Bookmarked 👌.

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Hahaha, the series will have more posts for sure.

mshajid profile image

Well, This is a very comprehensive guide for react newbies, but I'm not agreeing on what you'd stated on the last statement, "Don't Google", by Googling helped me to find this goldmine.

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

I didn't say don't google. I said you can explain the basics without googling, that means you actually understand the concepts.
In most interviews, I am sure if they ask you to explain what arrow functions or advantages of react. They want to hear you explain it with your own words and how you understand it and not google it.
But hey, if they are okay with you googling the basic questions, it's still amazing. Do what works for you :)

k8hansen profile image
Kate Hansen

I wish I would have had access to this awesome outline when I started learning! Awesome job with a clear summary on all major points. Thanks for this!

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Thanks, I hope they help in any way. 💯🙌🏽🎉

ashiquens profile image

Thank you so much jane

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Anytime. 🙂💯🙌🏽

_alexkimeu profile image
Alex Kimeu

Great article. Thank you for this.

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Thank you, Alex. Hope it was helpful in any way. 💯🙌🏽

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Great questions! Well done 🙌

I think that those would be a great contributions to the project 🐱‍👤

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Thank you, Bobby. 🙌🏽💯

picwellwisher12pk profile image
Amir Hameed

Label, isn't it like this?

<label htmlFor = {'name'}> </label>

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Yes. The > was added in the wrong place as I made some changes.
Thank you. 💯🙌🏽

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻 • Edited

Thank you so much, Max. Glad you find them useful in any way. 🎉🙌🏽

ponyjackal profile image

Hey, you are good at pointing the key features in React,

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Glad it helped in any way. 🙌🏽🙂

abulfazlhaidary profile image
Abulfazl Haidary

Thank you very much for this great article.

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Glad it will help in any way :)

quantumk9 profile image

Very nice and helpful post!! Even if you know the concepts, this is a great way to reflect on what you know (or think you do )

Thank you! :)

tracycss profile image
Jane Tracy 👩🏽‍💻

Yeah. When you repeat questions and answer then like you are explaining to a beginner, they will stick. This will be easier even during interviews :)