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7 Unique Insights into the Principles of Clean Code

When discussing clean code, many commonly talk about using descriptive names, keeping functions small, or avoiding code duplication.

While these principles are essential, they don't paint the entire picture. In this article, we'll dive into some less discussed but equally critical aspects of writing clean, maintainable code.

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1. Embracing YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It)

YAGNI is a principle of extreme programming that suggests developers should not add functionality until deemed necessary.

While it might be tempting to add 'flexibility' to your code because you 'might need it in the future', it often leads to unnecessary complexity. Stick to the requirements, and don't write code that you ain't gonna need.

2. Considering Code as Liability, Not an Asset

An unusual but pragmatic perspective on code is to view it as a liability rather than an asset. Every line of code written has an inherent cost.

It needs to be understood, maintained, and tested. Before writing more code, ask if the feature is essential or if there's a simpler way to implement it.

3. Proactive Refactoring

Refactoring is often seen as a chore – something to be done 'later'. But proactive refactoring, or continuously improving the codebase as part of the development process, leads to cleaner code.

If you see an opportunity to improve the code, take it. As the saying goes, "leave the code better than you found it".

4. Valuing Readability Over Cleverness

Writing clever code might feel satisfying, but if it comes at the expense of readability, it's not clean code.

Prioritize writing code that is easy to understand over code that's 'smart'. Remember, code is read more often than it is written, so optimize for the reader, not the writer.

5. Treating Performance Optimization with Caution

While high performance is important, premature optimization can lead to overly complex code that is difficult to read and maintain.

The first priority should be writing clear, correct code. Once that's in place, use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize as necessary.

6. Embracing Simplicity Over Completeness

It might be tempting to build a complete system with all possible features.

However, keeping the codebase small and simple is crucial for maintainability. A minimal but well-implemented feature set often serves better than an exhaustive list of poorly maintained features.

7. Using Code Reviews as a Learning Opportunity

Code reviews are not just about finding bugs or enforcing coding standards.

They're also an excellent opportunity to learn and share knowledge. Encourage open discussions, ask questions, share insights, and you'll find that your team's ability to write clean code improves over time.

To boost your Code Reviews, kindly refer to this article. Enhancing Code Reviews with Conventional Comments


Writing clean code is not just about following a set of rules. It's about a mindset that prioritizes readability, simplicity, and maintainability. It requires continual learning and adaptation.

Embrace these principles, and you'll find yourself writing cleaner, more maintainable code in no time. Happy coding🤘!

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