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I developed a simple but beautiful developer portfolio template using React and Next.js

Software Developer Folio

A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers!

Portfolio Website

Nearly all the components are dynamic and easy to use! Feel free to use it as-is or personalize it as much as you want.

If you'd like to contribute and make this much better for other users, please do.

Project Covers

✔️ Homepage\
✔️ Expertise\
✔️ Experience\
✔️ Work and Projects\
✔️ Contact

To view a live example, click here.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

The versions i have used in the project.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

How To Use

From your command line and clone.

# Clone this repository
git clone

# Go into the repository

# Install dependencies

# Start a local dev server
yarn dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


For deployment I have used vercel and I am pretty happy with it.

# Build & Development Settings
Framework Preset: Nextjs
Build command: next build
Output directory: default
Install command: yarn
Development command: next
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Technologies Used

Oldest comments (55)

hudsonpotenciano profile image
Hudson Potenciano

I really liked the part of the horizontal scroll, congratulations bro!

lucasvsouza28 profile image
Lucas Souza

deserves an post just to explain how to do this :D

benny00100 profile image
Benny Schuetz • Edited

Just a small bug-report.

After clicking on "expertise" - the navigation stops working.

Problem is, that the "expertise" section has the same z-index than the navigation element (ie.10). So, the solution would be to increase the nav z-index or decrease the section z-index.

umerame33620655 profile image
Umer Ameen

I also like Benny suggestions so, I added this

Just reporting a little bug.

The navigation halts after selecting "expertise."
The issue is that the "expertise" section's z-index is the same as the navigation element (ie.10). Therefore, the nav z-index should be raised or the section z-index should be lowered to solve the problem.

successbunty profile image
Success Bunty

I also enjoy Benny's advice, so I included this

Just mentioning a small bug.

Once "expertise" has been selected, the navigation freezes.
The problem is that the navigation element's (ie.10) z-index is the same as that of the "expertise" section. To fix the ios issue, either the section z-index should be dropped or the nav z-index raised.

jhone55 profile image

That's fantastic! Creating a developer portfolio using React and Next.js is an excellent way to showcase your skills, projects, and work to potential employers or clients. Here are some tips and considerations:

Optimize Performance: Ensure that your portfolio website loads quickly and performs well. Use code splitting, lazy loading, and image optimization techniques to optimize performance.

Mobile Responsiveness: Make sure your portfolio is responsive to various screen sizes and devices, including mobile phones and tablets. Test your website on different devices and browsers to ensure a consistent user experience.

Clean Design: A simple and beautiful design is essential. Use a clean and organized layout, legible typography, and a visually appealing color scheme that complements your content.

Project Showcase: Highlight your best projects Alight Motion Text and Animation Effects for PC and provide detailed information about each one. Include descriptions, technologies used, and any notable achievements or results.

dfdsdfsdsa profile image

That sounds like a fantastic project! Creating a developer portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and work to potential employers or clients. Using React and Next.js is an excellent choice as it allows for building dynamic and fast-loading websites. Here are some key aspects to consider when developing a developer portfolio using React and Next.js:

Project Showcase: Highlight your projects, both personal and professional. Include project descriptions, technologies used, and links to live demos or GitHub repositories.

Resume/CV: Include a section for your resume or CV. You can provide a downloadable PDF version for easy access.

About Me: Share a brief introduction about yourself manifestation hypnosis, your background, and your passion for coding.

david_shores profile image

lean Design: A simple and beautiful design is essential. Use a clean and organized layout, legible typography, and a visually appealing color scheme that complements your content.

Project Showcase: Highlight your best projects ER WhatsApp and provide detailed information about each one. Include descriptions, technologies used, and any notable achievements or results.

simonseh07 profile image

Absolutely, creating a developer portfolio using React and Next.js is a fantastic way to exhibit your skills and projects to potential employers or clients. Here are some key tips:

Optimize Performance: Ensure your portfolio loads quickly and performs well. Use techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and image optimization to make it efficient.

Mobile Responsiveness: Test your portfolio on various devices and browsers to ensure a seamless user experience. It should look good and function well on mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.

Clean Design: A simple and beautiful design is crucial. Use an organized layout, readable typography, and an appealing color scheme that complements your content.

**Project Showcase: **Highlight your best projects, providing detailed information for each. Include project descriptions, technologies used, and any notable achievements or results.

samjames12 profile image
sam james

Alight motion mod APK latest version. In addition, you can make color adjustments in your editing material and share your work with others when you are done editing in this application. Therefore, you can utilize different effects in your projects, such as border, gradient fill, stroke, shadow, and much more, alight motion watermark remover by using the Alight Motion Pro application. Besides, you can also save your preferred components for quick reuse in an upcoming project.

kimjung12 profile image

Absolutely! Crafting a developer portfolio with React and Next.js presents an outstanding opportunity to showcase your skills and projects to potential employers or clients. To ensure an impactful presentation, consider a few key aspects.

Firstly, it's crucial to optimize the performance of your portfolio website. Ensuring fast loading times and smooth functionality can significantly enhance the user experience. Techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading, and image optimization play a pivotal role in achieving optimal performance.

Moreover, prioritize mobile responsiveness to cater to various screen sizes and devices, including mobile phones and tablets. download am mod apk Thoroughly test your website across different devices and browsers to guarantee a consistently seamless user experience.

Lastly, emphasize the importance of clean design. A visually appealing and well-organized layout, coupled with legible typography and a thoughtfully chosen color scheme, contributes to an aesthetically pleasing overall design. Striking the right balance in these elements ensures that your portfolio not only showcases your work effectively but also leaves a positive and lasting impression on visitors.

cutleaf profile image

WordPress Wartung umfasst alle Maßnahmen, die notwendig sind, um deine WordPress-Website sicher, aktuell und performant zu halten. Dazu gehören:

Regelmäßige Updates: wordpress wartung selbst, Themes und Plugins sollten immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein, um Sicherheitslücken zu schließen und Fehler zu beheben.
Backups: Erstelle regelmäßig Backups deiner Website, um sie im Falle eines Datenverlusts wiederherstellen zu können.
Sicherheit: Implementiere verschiedene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um deine Website vor Hackern und Malware zu schützen.
Performance: Optimierung der Ladegeschwindigkeit deiner Website, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern.
Wartung von Inhalten: Aktualisierung von Texten, Bildern und anderen Inhalten auf deiner Website.

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robertscott56 profile image

That's fantastic! Creating a developer portfolio using React and Next.js sounds like a great project. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything you'd like assistance or feedback on, feel free to let me know. I'm here to help!

robyngknapp profile image

Absolutely! Crafting a developer portfolio is a fantastic endeavor to exhibit your capabilities and accomplishments to potential employers or clients. Leveraging React and Next.js offers numerous advantages, enabling the creation of dynamic and fast-loading websites. Here's a breakdown of key considerations when developing a developer portfolio using React and Next.js:

Project Showcase: Shine a spotlight on your projects, both personal and professional. Offer detailed descriptions, outline the technologies utilized, and provide links to live demos or GitHub repositories for further exploration.

Resume/CV: Dedicate a section to your resume or CV. Make it easily accessible by offering a downloadable PDF version for convenient reference.

About Me: Introduce yourself Carx Street Apk. Share insights into your background, your journey in the field, and your fervor for coding. This section provides visitors with a glimpse into who you are beyond your technical skills.

By incorporating these elements into your developer portfolio, you'll effectively demonstrate your expertise, experience, and personality, setting yourself apart in the competitive landscape of software development.

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