DEV Community

Setting up a Linux Javascript Dev Environment on Windows

Tim Apple on September 16, 2019

This article has been made obsolete by some updates to WSL and Windows. The newer version is at
thanh_pd profile image
Thanh Phan

Thank you for the guide. Do you have any suggestion regarding Git GUI tools inside WSL? I'm using Git Graph extension in VS Code but would like to see if there's any better alternative. I think using SourceTree or GitHub Desktop on Windows to access files inside WSL is kinda risky.

andyli profile image
Andy Li • Edited

I've been using Fork on Windows to manage a repo in WSL. For once I had an issue with file permission, and got it fixed by remounting my drive with the metadata flag. Except that, it works pretty well.

heytimapple profile image
Tim Apple

To be honest, I use the cli for 99% of my github use. I do sometimes cheat and use VSCode's integrations a little. But nothing beyond that.

In all reality I work in Linux most of the time. This Windows setup was more of an experiment.

kialala profile image
Kialala Ra • Edited

You have to have a windows build greater 18917 in order to have wsl 2, and you have to be part of the insider fast ring to even see these previews. Got mine upgraded 2 weeks ago or so, fortunately didn't get the search bar error everyone's going crazy about.

heytimapple profile image
Tim Apple

Yes sir, i state you need to be in the fast ring early on.

kialala profile image
Kialala Ra

Must have missed that 😅

ryansmith profile image
Ryan Smith

Thanks for the concise guide. I have been using WSL the standard way but wanted to try out the new Windows Terminal and the VSCode remote extension. I believe the main benefits for remoting are faster file operations and being able to edit Linux OS files with VSCode (like .bashrc, etc.), or are there any other key ones that I'm missing?

heytimapple profile image
Tim Apple

The above is correct, plus you will be working almost exclusively in a Linux environment. Plus you can navigate both file systems within VSCode and open Windows apps from within the WSL.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I thought I might be able to use WSL to get me to do basic things, but it's so limited that all I end up doing is shelling into a real computer instead.

heytimapple profile image
Tim Apple

I can do a lot from WSL.. but Linux is my daily. This was more of an experiment to help guys in my class.

jeromehardaway profile image
Jerome Hardaway

Great article.

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I love this feature, I use it in python development all the time. thanks for telling all everyone!

bbcode profile image

Thanks sir. It's every useful for me 👍