In this episode, Dan and Bekah are joined by Mike Rogers. Mike has had a long and successful career, but at one point he realized he no longer felt good or satisfied with where he was as a developer. He shared with us what he did to change course, and how he has learned to approach tending his career almost like a garden.
About Mike
Mike Rogers is a Ruby developer from the UK. He made the chat bots for Virtual Coffee, has an awesome Ruby Event Calendar, and loves Docker.
- Twitter: mikerogers0
- GitHub: MikeRogers0
- YouTube: MikeRogers0
Links to things mentioned in the episode:
- Mike's YouTube: MikeRogers0
- Where’s _why? - What happened when one of the world’s most unusual, and beloved, computer programmers disappeared.
- Mike's Business Times cover
- Meditation Minis podcast:
Virtual Coffee:
- Virtual Coffee:
- Podcast Contact:
- Bekah:, Twitter:, Instagram: bekahhw
- Dan:, Twitter: @danieltott