DEV Community

Vishal J
Vishal J

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July 9, 2024 Print() Python (Q/A) - Part 2

This is a series of Python learning blog from parottosalna community by kaniyam foundation

This blog is based on this video "Print() Python (Q/A) | ParottaSalna - Part 2]("

To watch the full series check this youtube playlist


  1. Websites to learn programming for beginners
  2. Python installation in windows

Websites to learn programming for beginners

To use python in windows

  1. Install the python .exe file and select the option "Add python to environment variables"
  2. Create python file in text editor and save it in a folder
  3. Go to the file location in the windows explorer and in the location path enter cmd to open the file path in terminal
  4. In terminal to execute the python program enter python <file name>
  5. To check the available file in the folder enter dir

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