Geany is a cross-platform, feature-rich full-blown integrated development environment (IDE), that you can get on Linux. One good reason I like using the Geany IDE is because of automatica compiler recognition; once a compiler of a programming language is installed on a PC you don’t need any further configuration to start using the compiler to write programs. Geany locates the compiler in the system automatically for you. So if you need a very light-weight IDE for most of your programming (especially languages where you need to compile the source code), I would advise you to go for Geany.

Other reasons you should try geany include , but not limited to, the following;
It is lightweight. This is very important as it does not require heavy system resources (like memory). And it loads super fast. Only necessary plugins are packaged with it , even though more plugins can be downloaded for extended functionalities.
It can used for simple text editing and, and as a result of a large number of supported files can be used for any programming purpose as a capable IDE.
Geany saves and refreshes sessions automatically. You can continue from whee you stopped working after a close.
Popularity. It is commonly found in the software repository of different Linux distributions (distros).
It is “free”. Both as in freedom (you can share modify and share it) and as in “free beer” you can download and install for free.
- It supports many popular programming languages like JAVA, Python, Go, JavaScript, C/C++, Lisp, Pascal, Fortran, and so many more.

Geany is available in the software center and package archives of many Linux ditros. Simply search for “geany” and install with a click.

Using the command line
You can install geany in the different Linux distros using the following command combinations;
sudo apt-get install geany
_To get the newer versions of geany you can use the command;_
_Add the _[_PPA_](https://fossnaija.com/how-to-install-software-using-ppa-ubuntu/)_ to your system_
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geany-dev/ppa
_Update system Software archives;_
sudo apt-get update
_Before installing;_
sudo apt-get install geany
### **Fedora Linux**
yum install geany
### **Arch Linux**
pacman -S geany
You can also use the software center of your particular Linux distro to install geany; simply enter the name – geany – into the search box and hit enter. From there you can install geany with a one simple click.
You can start using one of the best IDEs on Linux right away.
**Happy Linux’NG!**
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