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React Interview Assignment-user-detail-app


Stage 1

You're going to build a web app using create-react-app and react-router.

Using the user data from the randomUser API, you will render a list of 10 users.

  1. Each user's name will be displayed on the list.
  2. Clicking on a user's name routes you to the corresponding user detail page, which consists of the user's photo, name, email address, state, and country.

Data to display on the User Detail Page:

  • Photo
  • Name
  • Email
  • Location (state & country)

Query Param: results=10

Consider how you can optimize the code.

Stage 2

  • Implement state management.
  • Fetch the set of users only once. No network call when we move between pages.
  • Add a button on the details page to mark a user as a favorite.
  • On the home page, highlight favorite users with special CSS.

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