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Starting off #30DaysOfThreads talking about the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Programming is just one part of software development and having a plan beats not having a plan.

Stage 1 - Planning

We start with figuring out what we’re trying to do.

Who will be using the app?
How will it be used?
What data will be collected?

Planning is the most important phase of the lifecycle. Here changes are the easiest & get exponentially more difficult as we go.

Stage 2 - Analysis

It’s great to have an idea and plan a project, it’s better to know if people are interested and willing to pay for it.

Poll your communities, post on forums, even setup a landing page with a email form to gather leads and measure interest.

Stage 3 - Design

Design is how you envision your app to look and what your user experience will be like.

You know what data you’ll be collecting and presenting so now’s the time to make that experience be as easy and enjoyable for the user as possible.

Stage 4 - implementation

DON’T START HERE! This is the part everyone can’t wait to jump into, actually making something.

By this point you now have a carefully considered, thoughtful, and peer reviewed idea and design. Assemble your team, plan milestones and get to work!

Stage 5 - Testing & Integration

Your app is completed! Does it work the way you expect? This stage, testing, commonly called QA (quality assurance). Bugs get sent back to developers to review and fix.

You can find more information if you look up β€œunit testing”.

Stage 6 - Maintenance

Now that your app has been released there isn’t much to do other than make sure it continues to work as expected. Accept bug and vulnerability reports and focus energies into other aspects surrounding your app; marketing, sales, user acquisition, etc.
That’s the end of this thread! I hope you learned something!

Comments and questions below!

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