Have some "members" abused the good nature of this community for allowing "Read more"? I can constantly see generic names like jane doe, john, bill... posting parts of blog posts and putting Read More at the end of it. It's probably the same person but I just started tagging and reporting them. If anyone spots this feel free to flag to admins as it's clearly a some sort of promotion bot "phishing" users to it's own page.
Update: just for fun I followed the link. It looks like dev.to got a makeover (not necessarily in a good way). I think that it's basically a rip-off so maybe someone just took Forem, customized it and now trying to push users there. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Top comments (5)
Reported a huge bunch of these bots yesterday and still have a lot of them in my Moderation list.
I've added an update but someone should try to quicklu just check was it forem taken or just copied manually :d
Definitely it's not a Forem, just yet another free QA-board script getting traffic for free
good to know thanks
same thing I suggest banning anyone who references to that blog/website