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Abhishek Somani
Abhishek Somani

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Handle json from multiple sources using JsonHandlers

Bored of handling json from multiple different sources like Files, Http requests or responses?

You no longer have to be! ๐Ÿคฉ


Json Handlers


A go module where you want to integrate jsonhandlers. To create one, follow this guide.


go get
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A very useful feature of Goโ€™s import statement are aliases. A common use case for import aliases is to provide a shorter alternative to a libraryโ€™s package name.

In this example, we save ourselves having to type jsonhandlers everytime we want to call one of the libraryโ€™s functions, we just use jh instead.

import (
    jh ""
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Jsonhandlers package exposes multiple options while creating a new jsonhandler to be able to read/write json from sources like Files, Http Requests or Http responses.


You can use the WithFileHandler option to read/write Json from/to a file. For this, you need to create a new jsonhandler with the file handler option.

Example to understand WithFileHandler in more detail.

Sample Code

package operations

import (


func GetStudentsFromFile() []student {
    return handleFile()

func handleFile() []student {
    jh := jsonhandlers.New(jsonhandlers.WithFileHandler(testFilePath))

    var sch school
    err := jh.Unmarshal(&sch)
    handleError("error in unmarshalling %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("School info is : %+v\n", sch)

    // add a new student to the school
    sch.Students = append(sch.Students[:2], student{
        Id:     3,
        Name:   "The new student",
        Branch: "AI",

    err = jh.Marshal(sch)
    handleError("error in marshalling %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("Updated school info after admission of new student is : %+v\n", sch)

    // remove the new student as he was very mischievous
    sch.Students = sch.Students[:2]

    err = jh.Marshal(sch)
    handleError("error in marshalling %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("Updated school info after retaining all good students is : %+v\n", sch)
    return sch.Students

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You can use the WithHTTPRequestHandler option to read Json from a Http Request and to write Json to a Http ResponseWriter. For this, you need to create a new jsonhandler with the Http request handler option.

Example to understand WithHTTPRequestHandler in more detail.

Sample Code

package operations

import (


type studentSearchRequest struct {
    Name string

type studentSearchResponse struct {
    Info student

func HandleHTTPRequest(students []student) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    jh := jsonhandlers.New(jsonhandlers.WithHTTPRequestHandler(w, r))

        var reqBody studentSearchRequest
        err := jh.Unmarshal(&reqBody)
        if err != nil {
            errPayload := struct {
                StatusCode int
                Message    string
                StatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
                Message:    err.Error(),
            // request is bad

        for _, student := range students {
            // student found
            if student.Name == reqBody.Name {
                // response has the right student info written
                    Info: student,

        errPayload := struct {
            StatusCode int
            Message    string
            StatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Message:    "something went wrong",
        // student not found

  Sample request to be hit on the localhost server to test WithHTTPRequestHandler functionality.
  curl http://localhost:8080/search -d '{"Name": "Abhishek Somani"}'
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You can use the WithHTTPResponseHandler option to read/write Json from/to a Http Response. For this, you need to create a new jsonhandler with the Http response handler option.

Example to understand WithHTTPResponseHandler in more detail.

Sample Code

package operations

import (


type user struct {
    Id        int
    FirstName string
    LastName  string
    Age       int
    Gender    string
    Email     string

type getUsersResponse struct {
    Users []user

func HandleHTTPResponse() {
    resp, err := http.Get("")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("unable to make the get request %s", err.Error())
    jh := jsonhandlers.New(jsonhandlers.WithHTTPResponseHandler(resp))

    var userResp getUsersResponse
    fmt.Printf("response is %+v\n", userResp)

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Run examples

To run the examples present in the example folder you need to first checkout this package by doing a git clone. Once you have checked out this package, then you can run the main.go using the following command to see all the examples in action:

go run example/main.go
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Hope you enjoyed! โค๏ธ

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