As we were learning before, functions in javascript are
- Treated as sub-programs (execution context)
- First class objects (they have methods & properties)
Currying is basically:
function (a,b,c) --> function (a)(b)(c)
1. Currying using closures👇
function mix(f) { //closure, f is batter here
return function(a) {
return function(b) {
return f(a, b);
function batter(a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log(cook('flour ')('banana puree'));
2. Currying using function methods- bind()👇
As we have discussed before, bind()
is function method used to get a function copy to be used with fixed arguments or this
function multiply(a , b){
return a*b
getTwice=multiply.bind(this, 2)
We can change the number but getTwice will have a=2
Currying requires the function to have a fixed number of arguments.
⭐Read about functional programming concepts here.
I just had to link this one:
⭐Closures, currying & functions in js
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