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Ali Samir
Ali Samir

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Angular 18 Roadmap: From Novice to Ninja 🥷🏻

A comprehensive guide to mastering Angular 18, from foundational concepts to advanced topics, ensuring a thorough understanding of the framework at every level.

Angular Fundamentals

  • Modules, Components, and Directives
  • Understanding Templates and Views
  • Data Binding (Interpolation, Property, Event, Two-way Binding)
  • Angular Directives (ngIf, ngFor, etc.)
  • Working with Angular Forms (Template-driven vs Reactive Forms)

TypeScript Basics for Angular

  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Types, Interfaces, and Enums
  • Classes and Decorators in TypeScript
  • Arrow Functions, Promises, and Async/Await
  • TypeScript Compilation and Error Handling

Component-Based Architecture

  • Creating and Nesting Components
  • Component Interaction (Input/Output Decorators)
  • ViewChild and ContentChild
  • Component Lifecycle Hooks
  • Service Injection in Components

Routing and Navigation

  • Setting Up Routing in Angular
  • Router Module and Routes
  • Lazy Loading Modules
  • Router Guards (CanActivate, CanDeactivate)
  • Passing Route Parameters and Query Parameters

Services and Dependency Injection

  • Introduction to Services in Angular
  • Creating and Registering Services
  • Using HttpClient for API Requests
  • Dependency Injection and Hierarchical Injectors
  • Singleton Services and Providers

Working with HTTP and APIs

  • HttpClientModule and Making HTTP Calls
  • Handling Request/Response and Errors
  • Observables vs Promises in API Handling
  • Using RxJS with HTTP Requests (map, switchMap)
  • Mocking Backend Data for Testing

State Management in Angular

  • Introduction to State Management
  • Angular Services for Local State
  • Using BehaviorSubjects for Component Communication
  • Introduction to NgRx (Redux for Angular)
  • Store, Actions, Reducers, and Effects

Angular Forms & Validation

  • Template-driven Forms
  • Reactive Forms in Angular
  • Form Validation and Error Handling
  • Dynamic Forms and FormBuilder
  • Custom Validators and Async Validators

Working with RxJS and Observables

  • Introduction to Reactive Programming
  • Core RxJS Concepts (Observables, Observers, Subjects)
  • Key RxJS Operators (map, filter, switchMap, combineLatest, etc.)
  • Handling Asynchronous Data with RxJS
  • Error Handling and Retry Strategies with RxJS

Angular Material and UI Design

  • Installing and Setting Up Angular Material
  • Working with Angular Material Components (Buttons, Icons, etc.)
  • Angular Material Layout and Theming
  • Customizing Angular Material Styles
  • Responsive UI with Flex Layout

Performance Optimization in Angular

  • Lazy Loading and Code Splitting
  • OnPush Change Detection Strategy
  • TrackBy with ngFor for Optimized Rendering
  • Caching Strategies and Service Workers (PWA)
  • Reducing Bundle Size (Tree Shaking, AOT Compilation)

Unit Testing in Angular

  • Introduction to Testing in Angular (Jasmine, Karma)
  • Writing Unit Tests for Components and Services
  • Testing HTTP Calls and Mocking Dependencies
  • Testing Directives and Pipes
  • Code Coverage and Best Practices in Testing

End-to-End Testing (E2E)

  • Introduction to Protractor
  • Writing E2E Tests for Angular Apps
  • Setting up Cypress for E2E Testing
  • Running E2E Tests with Angular CLI
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting E2E Tests

Advanced Angular Topics

  • Dynamic Component Loading
  • Angular Universal for Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Web Workers for Multi-Threading
  • Custom Pipes and Directives
  • Internationalization (i18n) in Angular Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with Angular

  • What is a PWA?
  • Adding PWA Capabilities to Angular
  • Service Workers and Offline Support
  • Push Notifications in Angular PWAs
  • Caching Strategies for PWAs

Version Control and Collaboration

  • Using Git with Angular Projects
  • Collaborating with Teams (Branches, PRs, Code Reviews)
  • GitHub Actions and CI/CD with Angular
  • Setting up Linting and Prettier for Code Quality

Angular Deployment

  • Building and Bundling Angular Applications
  • Deploying Angular on Firebase
  • Deploying Angular with Docker
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Angular
  • Angular in Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

Staying Updated and Continuing Your Angular Journey

Happy Coding!

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