DEV Community

Adam Mróz
Adam Mróz

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Advent of Code 2021 - Day 2

Day 2 is behind me. I enjoyed it, even though it was still pretty easy (I believe that’s going to change soon).

Let’s take a look at the solution:

import fileinput

def parse():
    return [l.split() for l in fileinput.input()]

def task1(input):
    horizontal = 0
    depth = 0

    for cmd in input:
        dir = cmd[0]
        val = int(cmd[1])

        if dir == 'forward':
            horizontal += val
        if dir == 'down':
            depth += val
        if dir == 'up':
            depth -= val

    return horizontal * depth

def task2(input):
    horizontal = 0
    depth = 0
    aim = 0

    for cmd in input:
        dir = cmd[0]
        val = int(cmd[1])

        if dir == 'forward':
            horizontal += val
            depth += aim * val
        if dir == 'down':
            aim += val
        if dir == 'up':
            aim -= val

    return horizontal * depth

input = parse()


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The task was similar to a one from the last year. In the input we have a command value tuples, hence the split in the parse() function.

In the first task, we have a simple switch statement (and I just found out that it was recently added to python 3.10 in the match-case form. That’s cool!). We simply modify two variables.

In the second task, we have the third variable, aim and a tiny change of logic. down and up modify the aim and forward modify both horizontal and depth variables.

That’s it!

Ranks: 3562/2408. I guess it took me some time to wake up ;)

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