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A Simple introduction to recursion

Anwar on November 01, 2020

Recursion is one of the topics that confuses people when seeing it for the first time, this article introduces the main idea of recursion in order...
dakujem profile image
Andrej Rypo • Edited

Chapter one: Tail Recursion.

To understand tail recursion, you need to understand Chapter One: Tail Recursion.

anwarr_________ profile image

This link goes to this article not an article about tail recursion

dakujem profile image
Andrej Rypo

Come on, man, it's a joke! I updated the link...

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anwarr_________ profile image

I'm pretty slow at getting jokes, I have just got it now, great one bro😂😂😂

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anwarr_________ profile image

liked the article ?

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dakujem profile image
Andrej Rypo

Well, if you're asking... It's curious you did not use the ever-present factorial example. The example provided does not really demonstrate the advantage of recursion. I'd use an example that would otherwise require a stack data structure, like an algo to detect palindromes, for example.

abcba --> true
abcde --> false
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anwarr_________ profile image

Yeah that's because the goal of writing this article was to clarify the main idea of recursion for absolute beginners, I wanted to make it as simple as possible so I came up with this simple example, maybe in an upcoming article I'll dive more deep into recursion
Thanks for your opinion

hamzamateen profile image
HamzaMateen • Edited

I think people should first learn how stacks work as function call always endup being on the call stacks. This way we can more rigorously define Recursion in terms of implementation.

Nice article tho!! ❤️❤️

anwarr_________ profile image

Yeah you're right, generally you understand your code better when you learn more about how it works and what happens behind the scenes

Thank a lot bro ❤️️

almasweb1 profile image
Almas Rakhmatullaev

Good article! I didn't really understand what recursion is yesterday, but after this article I began to understand well. Thank you.

anwarr_________ profile image

Thank a lot man glad I could help

anwarr_________ profile image

your so welcome, thank you for this great feedback :)