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Why do you like jsx?

Avalander on July 30, 2018

I've been using frameworks and libraries with a virtual DOM for a while now (specifically, React, Cyclejs and Hyperapp), and many people using them...
bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G. โ€ข

With a simple example you will not see much of a difference indeed, but I would not use the second version in a bigger project.

One of the reason would be that is too abstract and less verbose and will lead to a lot of extra code when doing something custom. If I just want to add a simple <i class="me"></i> I do not want to define it as a function, send a parameter and so on, I just want to insert a HTML snippet, as it is.

The reverse applies too, looking more like the end product (HTML), the first solution is easier to understand when things get bigger. The overhead is bigger in Hyperscript, you need to stack all the calls in your head and compile it to HTML to understand it.

Hyperscript looks like Flutter/Dart, and there I guess makes more sense, first of all you don't have HTML and you have strong typed objects.

avalander profile image
Avalander โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Thanks for your input!

Could you elaborate on how hyperscript leads to extra code? I don't see much difference between adding <i class="me"></i> or i({ class: 'me' }) in the view code.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G. โ€ข

In this example the extra code is the function named i and the code that handles its properties

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avalander profile image
Avalander โ€ข

The function i would normally be provided by whatever hyperscript library you're using, it's not like you need to implement a new function for each html element that you decide to use.

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bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G. โ€ข

In this example yes, but it does not matter who wrote the function, is extra JS code that does not carry its weight. It does not add any benefit, it is just syntax sugar. It is extra code that runs on VM, is downloaded and you have to learn it.
It is not ebough to learn html, you have to learn what elements are in hyperscript as functions, again, a layer of useless complexity in the developers head.

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denisinvader profile image
Mikhail Panichev โ€ข

But JSX also compiles into javascript functions, doesn't it?

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martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Hรคusler โ€ข

As far as I know, JSX compiles to only one function, the h function (or hyper function). The type of element you create is actually passed as the first argument as a string to this function. Therefore, as long as you only create built-in HTML elements (and not, let's say, custom react components) there are no additional functions involved.

The h-function takes three parameters:

  • The name/type of the element as a string
  • The properties of the element as an object
  • An array of child elements, in turn produced by the h function

So, this example:


would compile to something like this:

h('span', {}, [ h('i', {innerHTML: 'Hello!'}, []) ] )

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denisinvader profile image
Mikhail Panichev โ€ข

sounds reasonable:)

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker โ€ข

I believe that there is some benefit in JSX.

One thing would by familiarity. Is close enough to HTML to make it kinda comfortable? I mean, when you see div in JSX is almost the same as in HTML.

The end and the beginning of a component in the render function is painfully explicit. You could find the opening tag and the closing tag even with bad indentation.

With JSX you could also migrate some old HTML to a component with little effort.

That said. I actually don't like JSX. It just bugs me.

roshan092 profile image
roshan092 โ€ข โ€ข Edited

Thanks for the question, heard about hyperscript first time today hence I cannot answer which one is better.
I have used JSX a lot and the main factor that convinced me to keep using this was the IDE support (Intellij).

whoisryosuke profile image
Ryosuke โ€ข

It just looks better and makes code easier to read.

Rather than looking at my components as functions, they're more like DOM elements, making them easier to intermingle with other elements (or shift around the tree).

kepta profile image
Kushan Joshi โ€ข

You should also look at the official explanation behind usage of JSX at

levitabris profile image
Wei Li โ€ข

Can I ask a stupid question? Which one is easier to debug? For instance, if there is mistyped variable name, which solution gives me the most friendly message to track down that error source? Thanks!

avalander profile image
Avalander โ€ข

Well, jsx is transpiled to plain JavaScript function calls, so both jsx and the equivalent hyperscript will result in the same error message.

levitabris profile image
Wei Li โ€ข

Helpful explanation, thanks.

avalander profile image
Avalander โ€ข

I heard about Mithril a while ago, but i never tried it, is it any good?