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Cover image for Building a movie suggestion Bot using AWS Bedrock, Amazon Lex, and OpenSearch
Salam Shaik for AWS Community Builders

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Building a movie suggestion Bot using AWS Bedrock, Amazon Lex, and OpenSearch

Hi Everyone,

For the last few weeks, I have been trying to build a chatbot that suggests movies based on user prompts.

I am not an expert in the AI/ML field. With the knowledge I have in this field and the AWS services I know I tried to build this chatbot by using the following AWS Services

  • Bedrock(Titan and Claude models)

  • OpenSearch

  • AWS Lex

  • Lambda

Whenever I try to spell AWS Lex it reminds me of the villain Lex Luthor from the Superman series

Let me introduce each service I used and the role of that service in building this chatbot

BedRock: This service will provide the models by Amazon and several third parties. From the available models, we will be using the Claude v2 model for processing the User Prompts and the Titan model for generating the embedding for the movie content we have.

If you don't know what is embedding, think of it as an array with numbers which helps the ML Model to understand the relationship between real-world data.

OpenSearch: We will be using this service to store the embeddings generated by the bedrock Titan model and to query those embeddings to find similar movies

AWS Lex: This service will help us to build a chatbot. This will be a bridge that takes the user prompt and triggers the movie-suggesting logic based on the intent detection and will respond back to the user with movie suggestions.

Lambda: This is where the core logic executes, which will take the user prompt from the Lex Bot, query the OpenSearch index, and respond back to the Lex Bot with movie Suggestions

Let’s dive into the implementation

This is the movie dataset I am using for this task

Implementation Steps:

  • Create an OpenSearch Cluster and an index for dumping Embeddings

  • Generate Embeddings and dump them into the OpenSearch Index

  • Implement a Lambda function to query the OpenSearch Index

  • Create a chatbot and connect it to the Lambda

Create an OpenSearch Cluster and an index for dumping Embeddings:

  • Visit the OpenSearch service in the AWS console and click on the Create Domain button

  • Provide a name for the domain, Choose the Standard Create option and the dev/test template like below

  • Deploying it in a Single AZ without any standby

  • Choose General Purpose instances and select instance for this task and with 1 node. Per node, I gave 10GB of storage

  • I am giving public access with IPV4 only for this task

  • Enable fine-grained access and create a master user like below

  • Change the access control to allow all users to access the endpoint for this task

  • Keep the rest of the options as it is and click on the create endpoint button. It will take some time for the endpoint to be created

  • Once the endpoint is created, access the OpenSearch dashboard from the console and provide the master user credentials to access it

  • Visit the Dev Tools option from the side menu and paste the following code to create the index movies

PUT movies
      "settings": {
        "index.knn": true
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "title_org": {
            "type": "text"
          "title": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
          "summary": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
          "short_summary": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
          "director": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
          "writers": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
          "cast": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 1536
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Generate Embeddings and dump them into the OpenSearch Index:

As we have the Open Search cluster and index ready. Let’s generate the embeddings and dump them into the index

  • Download the movie dataset using this link

  • Extract the Zip file and have a look at the CSV file which contains movie data

  • Create a with the following code to generate embeddings and dump them into the index. Install Pandas, Boto3, Botocore, and Opensearch-py libraries using PIP

import boto3
    import json
    import botocore
    import pandas as pd

    from opensearchpy import OpenSearch

    ##opensearch configs
    host = 'paste open-search-endpoint here'  
    port = 443 
    auth = ('username', 'password')
    index_name = "movies"

    ##creating opensearch client
    client = OpenSearch(
        hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': port}],

    ##filterting columns using pandas
    df = pd.read_csv('hydra_movies.csv')
    refined_df = df[["Title","Summary","Short Summary","Director","Writers","Cast"]]
    refined_df = refined_df.fillna("Unknown")

    ##connecting to bedrock runtime
    session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-east-1')
    bedrock_client = session.client('bedrock-runtime')

    ##generate embedding using titan model
    def generate_embedding(value):
            body = json.dumps({"inputText": value})
            modelId = "amazon.titan-embed-text-v1"
            accept = "application/json"
            contentType = "application/json"

            response = bedrock_client.invoke_model(
                body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType
            response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read())

            return response_body
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error:

    ##creating a document to insert
    def create_document(title,title_emb,summary_emb,short_summary_emb,director_emb,writers_emb,cast_emb):
        document = {


    ##inserting document into opensearch
    def insert_document(document):
        client.index(index=index_name, body=document)

    ##iterating thorough each row in data frame created through pandas and requesting embedding
    for index, row in refined_df.iterrows():
        title = row['Title']
        summary = row['Summary']
        short_summary = row['Short Summary']
        director = row['Director']
        writers = row["Writers"]
        cast = row["Cast"]
        title_embedding = generate_embedding(title)
        summary_embedding = generate_embedding(summary)
        short_summary_embedding = generate_embedding(short_summary)
        director_embedding = generate_embedding(director)
        writers_embedding = generate_embedding(writers)
        cast_embedding = generate_embedding(cast)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Run this file using Python, visit the Query WorkBench from the OpenSearch console side menu, and use the SQL queries to see whether embeddings are inserted or not

Implement a Lambda function to query the OpenSearch Index:

Now that we have the index ready with embeddings, Let’s create a Lambda function to query the index for getting similar movies

  • Visit the Lambda service from the AWS Console and click on the Create function button

  • Give a name to the function and choose the runtime as Python 3.9

  • Paste the following code in the Lambda function code

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
    import json

    import boto3
    import botocore

    ##open search configs
    host = 'paste-open-search-endpoint-here'  
    port = 443 
    auth = ('username', 'password')
    index_name = "movies"

    ##bedrock connection
    session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-east-1')
    bedrock_client = session.client('bedrock-runtime')

    ##creating opensearch client
    client = OpenSearch(
        hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': port}],

    def lambda_handler(event,context):

      print("Event: ", event)

      prompt = event['inputTranscript']
      print(f"received prompt is{prompt}")
      embedding = generate_embedding(prompt)
      response = run_query(embedding)
      return response

    #generating embedding for user input 
    def generate_embedding(value):
            body = json.dumps({"inputText": value})
            modelId = "amazon.titan-embed-text-v1"
            accept = "application/json"
            contentType = "application/json"

            response = bedrock_client.invoke_model(
                body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType
            response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read())

            return response_body['embedding']
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error:

    def run_query(query_embedding):
            # Define the query
            query = {
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "should": [{
                        "knn": {
                            "title": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100
                        "knn": {
                            "summary": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100
                        "knn": {
                            "short_summary": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100
                        "knn": {
                            "cast": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100
                        "knn": {
                            "writers": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100
                        "knn": {
                            "director": {
                                "vector": query_embedding,
                                "k": 100


            # Run the query
            response =, body=query)

            # Extract and print the results
            hits = response['hits']['hits']
            titles = ", ".join(hit['_source']['title_org'] for hit in hits)

            return respond_with_message(f"Based on your prompt, I suggest the following movies {titles}")

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error running query: {e}")
            return None

    def respond_with_message(message):
        Helper function to create a response message for Lex V2.
        return {
            "sessionState": {
                "dialogAction": {
                    "type": "Close"
                "intent": {
                    "name": "SuggestMovie",
                    "state": "Fulfilled"
            "messages": [
                    "contentType": "PlainText",
                    "content": message
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • This Lambda function needs the Opensearch-py, Boto3, and Botocore libraries.

  • Install all the libraries in a folder named python and keep that folder in another folder with the name lambda-layer. Use the following command to install libraries in a specific folder

    pip install opensearch-py boto3 botocore -t .

  • Zip the entire folder Create a Lambda Layer and attach it to the Lambda function so that the function can access the libraries

  • Make sure to add necessary permissions to the Lambda role to invoke the bedrock models

Create a chatbot and connect it to the Lambda:

As we have the Lambda and cluster ready with the data and queries, Let’s create the bot

  • Visit the Lex service from the AWS Console

  • Click on the Create bot button and Give a name for the bot. Choose the Generative AI Creation Method

  • Choose to create an IAM role and choose NO for COOPA for now

  • Leave the other fields as it is and click on the Next Button. Keep the Language options as it is and provide the description for the bot to be created.

  • Click on the Done button and wait for some time for the bot to be created

  • Once the bot is created visit the Intent section of the bot from the side under All Languages

  • Click on the Add Intent button and choose Empty Intent from the dropdown

  • Provide a name for the intent Here I am giving SuggestMovie as the title

  • Provide the Utterance generation description like below

  • Add the sample Utterance like below

  • Scroll down to the end of the page Choose the Lambda function trigger

  • Here what we did is we have added a sample intent to the bot to identify any prompt that is similar to the prompt we provided and trigger the Lambda function we created.

  • Click on the save intent button and come back to the previous section

Attaching Lambda to the bot

  • From the side menu under the Deployment section click on Aliases and choose the aliases that are listed

  • Click on the Language you created under the Language section

  • Choose the Lambda we created and Click on Save

  • Now Click on the Aliases from the Side Menu and click on the Build Button to build the bot with all the changes

  • Once the build is successful click on the Test button and provide the prompts like this

  • You can see suggestion prompts like this. Now edit the fallback intent like this so that we will get some good response from the bot when user prompts other than movie suggestions

  • After editing this fallback intent also build the bot once and give some random prompt to the bot and see what it is providing

  • This is how the bot will respond if the prompt does not belong to a movie suggestion.

That’s it for now. I will come up with more customizations to the bot with different features in my upcoming blogs.

Meanwhile, let me know if you face any issues while trying out this task, and Feel free to comment if there are any suggestions. I am open to suggestions. Have a good day


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Top comments (2)

durga_ganesh_c101232839df profile image
Durga Ganesh

Hi bro,
Great job on the progress you've made so far! It's clear you're doing some fantastic work, and these improvements will only make things even better.

Here are a few suggestions to take your project to the next level:

1.Environment Configuration (Most Important): It’s a good idea to secure sensitive information like your OpenSearch credentials using environment variables or AWS Secrets Manager. This keeps things secure and makes it easier to switch between different environments without worrying about hardcoding your credentials.

2.Optimize Error Handling: It’s important to add clear error handling in your functions like generate_embedding and run_query. This way, if there’s an issue with the Bedrock API, OpenSearch, or network problems, the system can handle it gracefully without breaking down, ensuring a smoother experience.

3.Batch Embedding Generation: Instead of processing each row one by one, you can speed things up by processing them in batches. This will reduce the number of API calls and make your system more efficient, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Keep up the excellent work! These tweaks will really help boost the reliability and performance..

shaiksalam9182 profile image
Salam Shaik

Thank you for your suggestions. While working on this POC, I focused primarily on functionality and did not emphasize security, batch processing, or error handling. I will address these aspects in my upcoming articles.

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