In this blog post, I have compiled some helpful javascript shorthand coding techniques. Javascript shorthands are good coding techniques that can h...
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12 and 15 is well-known to be quite dangerous, that is why rather than
This is safer
, I do have to write my own utility function sometimes.Thanks
For #1:
is not a shorthand forif(isGirl === true)
because the first condition will always pass if the value is truthy whereas later will only pass if the value is boolean true.For #3: Arrow function is not a shorthand for the traditional function. Because arrow functions are lexical meaning
inside an arrow function will only have lexical scope. So it can not be bind, call or applied against another context.For #12 and #15 see this commented
Also, the arrow function in this case isn't hoisting,
function expressions (aka the longhand) will hoist.
For #5, why not
does not return anything. You might need to use the returned value somewhere out of your callback.I'm not sure I understand. A regular for loop doesn't return anything either. This is equivalent to the examples he gave, but it's more legible and compact.
Both forEach and for of can be used, forEach is used in arrays while for of can be used in arrays,maps,set or any iterable member objects.
can also be used with arrays, maps, and sets. To my knowledge, the only advantage that a traditionalfor
loop has is the ability to traverse objects.But note that this is not a traditional for loop, this is a "for of", it even can loop through Strings (instead of converting a string to an array or using a for with the length)
I think the only advantage that I see to use the for loop is having one common way to loop through elements, or if you have a function that can have different iterable object types, example:
const loopThrough = (object) => {
for(const n of object) {
loopThrough(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
// Longhand
const quantity = parseInt("250")
const price = parseFloat("432.50")
// Shorthand
const quantity = +"250" // converts to int
const price = +"432.50" // converts to float
I have a habbit of using parseInt parseFloat everytime.I would surely follow this shorthand.
This is fire!! 🔥🔥🔥 I've bookmarked this and will share it out for sure! Appreciate all the edit suggestions in the comments as well! Great work Ayekple!
I guess 10. should be
Also logically, wouldn't you want to subtract the discount?