
Bryan Bende
Bryan Bende

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K3s on Raspberry Pi - Initial Setup

As part of trying to learn more about Kubernetes, I thought it’d be interesting to setup a mini cluster running on Raspberry Pis. I had no real purpose for doing this, but figured it would be a good learning experience and would leave me with a somewhat realistic environment.

There are already a ton of great resources that cover various aspects of running Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi. This post is just a summary of the steps that worked for me for reference.


I decided a three node cluster would be enough to get started. Here are the items I purchased:

Most likely the 4GB model would have been more than enough, but for $20 more you can double the RAM to 8GB. Also, I already had an 8-port switch with some ethernet cables, although each Pi also has on-board Wifi as an option.

The instructions for setting up the cluster case are available online. I think it could have been made a little simpler, but overall it wasn’t too hard. Pay close attention to the orientation of everything in the pictures.

Here is what my setup looked like after putting it together:

Raspberry Pi Setup

Before we can prepare the SD cards, we have to decide which operating system to use, which then leads to thinking about which Kubernetes distribution to use.

After doing some research, it seemed like there were two main options:

  • Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit + K3s
  • Ubuntu 20.04 + MicroK8s

Since Raspberry Pi OS is the official operating system, I decided to go with that and give K3s a try.

Image SD Cards

  1. Download the latest 64-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS

  2. Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to image the SD cards

    • Under Operating System, choose Use Custom
    • Select the OS image downloaded in step 1
    • Under Storage, select the SD card
    • Customize settings by pressing CMD+SHIFT+X on Mac
    • Set a hostname like rpi-1, enable password-based SSH
    • Select Write to begin imaging
    • Repeat the process for each SD card
  3. Insert the SD cards into the Pis

  4. Connect Pis to the switch with ethernet cables

  5. Connect one ethernet cable from the switch to your home router

  6. Connect a power supply to each Pi

  7. Plug the power supplies into outlets

At this point, the Pis should boot up and get assigned a dynamic IP address on your home network, just like any other device. You can use your router’s admin console to determine the IP addresses.

Once you have the IP addresses, you can test SSH to each one by running ssh pi@<ip-address>, using the password you set when imaging the SD cards.

Assign Static IP Addresses

My router had a DHCP range of -, so I adjusted the ending value to in order to reserve some addresses for static assignment. That means we can pick three consecutive addresses somewhere between -

For this example, we’ll use:
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To set the static addresses, do the following:

  1. SSH to the first Pi

     ssh pi@<current-ip-address>
  2. Install vim

     sudo apt-get install vim
  3. Edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf

     sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf
  4. Find the section for static address, uncomment and edit:

     interface eth0
     static ip_address=
     static routers=
     static domain_name_servers=

    Replace with your router’s IP address.

    Replace with the static address for the first Pi.

  5. Reboot the Pi

     sudo reboot
  6. After waiting a minute or two, SSH with the static IP

     ssh pi@
  7. Repeat the steps for each Pi.

  8. Setup /etc/hosts mappings on local machine rpi-1 rpi-2 rpi-3
  9. Create aliases in ~/.zshrc for easy SSH access

     alias sshrp1='ssh pi@rpi-1'
     alias sshrp2='ssh pi@rpi-2'
    alias sshrp3='ssh pi@rpi-3'

At this point you can test the SSH aliases to confirm that you can SSH to each Pi using a hostname mapped to the static IP address. For more detailed information, see Setting a Static IP Address on Raspberry Pi.

Setup Password-less SSH

This is not really a requirement to run Kubernetes, but it will be more convenient to not type passwords over and over, plus it will allow us to use Ansible to issue commands to the Raspberry Pi nodes.

  1. Generate an SSH key on your local machine


    Accept all the defaults and don’t enter a password.

    This will produce ~/.ssh/id_rsa (private key) and ~/.ssh/ (public key)

  2. Copy the content of ~/.ssh/

  3. SSH to rpi-1 and run:

     mkdir ~/.ssh
     touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
     chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
     chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
     vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Paste contents of the copied and save the file.

  4. Repeat the process for each Pi

At this point, you should be able to run any of the SSH aliases without entering a password.

I also followed a similar process to setup password-less SSH between all of the Raspberry Pi nodes, but this is also just a nice-to-have and not necessary.

Install k3s

For installing k3s, I used the k3s-ansible setup, which required that I get Ansible on my laptop. I already had pip3 installed through homebrew, so installing Ansible amounted to:

pip3 install ansible --user
export PATH="/Users/bbende/Library/Python/3.7/bin:$PATH"
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Now for running k3s-ansible…

  1. Clone the k3s-ansible repo

  2. Create the inventory by copying the example:

     cp -R inventory/sample inventory/rpi
  3. Edit inventory/rpi/hosts.ini to look like the following:

  4. Edit inventory/rpi/group_vars/all.yml to set the k3s_version:

     k3s_version: v1.21.0+k3s1
  5. Launch the setup, this will take a few minutes:

     ansible-playbook site.yml -i inventory/rpi/hosts.ini

Configure kubectl

Assuming the setup completed successfully, you can configure kubectl on our local machine to connect to the k3s cluster.

  1. Transfer the Kubeconfig from the master node to your local machine

     scp pi@ ~/.kube/config-rpi-k3s
  2. Configure KUBECONFIG environment variable in .zshrc

     export KUBECONFIG="~/.kube/config"
     export KUBECONFIG="$KUBECONFIG:~/.kube/config-rpi-k3s"
  3. Use kubectl to check the available config contexts

     kubectl config get-contexts
     * docker-desktop docker-desktop docker-desktop
               minikube minikube minikube
               rpi-k3s default default

    If the name of the Raspberry Pi context is something different, you can rename it using the command:

     kubectl config rename-context <CURRENT_NAME> <NEW_NAME>
  4. Use kubectl to view the nodes of the rpi-k3s cluster

     kubectl --context rpi-k3s get nodes
     rpi-3 Ready <none> 9d v1.21.0+k3s1
     rpi-2 Ready <none> 9d v1.21.0+k3s1
     rpi-1 Ready control-plane,master 9d v1.21.0+k3s1

At this point you should have a working k3s cluster to play around with.

As a next step, you can try following the k3s docs for installing the Kubernetes Dashboard.

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