JavaScript BDD cucumber api Test framework
NPM packages used
- @cucumber/cucumber - BDD framework
- ajv - JSON schema validationm
- axios - Rest Client
- chai - Assert library
- chai-as-promised - Assert library
- cucumber-html-reporter - html reporter
- dotenv - for env file
- ts-node(typescript execution environment for node) in cucumberOpts.
- All scripts written with JavaScript & Cucumber Gerkhin.
- Neat folder structures with js files easy to maintain
- Page Object design pattern implementation.
- Extensive hooks implemented for BeforeFeature, AfterScenarios etc in world file under support directory.
- HTML report withAssert errors on failure feature scenarios.
To Get Started
1.NodeJS installed globally in the system.
2.Visual Studio Code or any
Setup Scripts
- Clone the repository into a folder
- Go inside the folder and run following command from terminal/command prompt
npm install
- All the dependencies from package.json would be installed in node_modules folder.
Run Scripts
- Now just run the test command which starts the test execution
npm run test

Writing Features
Feature: PurgoMalum Sanity Tests
PurgoMalum is a simple, free, RESTful web service for filtering and removing content of profanity, obscenity and other unwanted text.
Given RESTful web service "" is up and running
Scenario Outline: Validating Response Types
When validating RESTful web service for "<type>" response type with text "this is some test input"
Then Validate the response "<response>"
| type | response |
| xml | this is some test input |
| json | this is some test input |
| plain | this is some test input |
Writing Step Definitions
Given(`RESTful web service {string} is up and running`, timeout, async function (url) {
<!-- implementation -->
Schema for validation (ajv is used for JSON schema validation)
class PurgoMalumSchema {
constructor() {
* jsonSchema for success case
jsonSchema() {
return {
type: "object",
properties: {
result: { type: "string" }
required: ["result"],
additionalProperties: false
* jsonSchema for negative case
jsonErrorSchema() {
return {
type: "object",
properties: {
error: { type: "string" }
required: ["error"],
additionalProperties: false
* xml for success case
xmlSchema(text) {
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><PurgoMalum xmlns=""><result>${text}</result></PurgoMalum>`
* xml for negative case
xmlErrorSchema(text) {
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><PurgoMalum xmlns=""><error>${text}</error></PurgoMalum>`
module.exports = { PurgoMalumSchema : new PurgoMalumSchema() };
Rest Client
Rest Client is under utilities directory in Utilities.js
* @param {string=} URL - API endpoint.
* @param {object=} Options - headers, payload and auth.
async getRequest(URL, options = {}) {
let response = await axios.get(URL, options);
return response;
Cucumber Hooks
Test hooks in world.js under support directory
Before(async function (testCase) {
// console.log(testCase.gherkinDocument.feature.description)
After(function (testCase) {
// console.log(testCase.result.status)
Following DockerFile is used to create a docker image and run the container
FROM node:16-alpine3.14
# copy project files
COPY . .
# dependencies will be installed only if the package.json file changes
RUN npm ci
# rerun E2E tests only if any of the previous files change
CMD npm run test
# Simple docker file just for demonstration. Advanced concepts to be included in docker compose or groovy script is jenkins pipeline

HTML Reports
report.js is used to backup the existing html report to history folder.
Current report is in report directory.
npm run report

Git repo :
I hope this was helpful. Please leave your feedback.
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