A variable is a container for a value and it can be of various data types.
Variable Rules
- Variable names are case sensitive
- Variable names must start with a letter or underscore
- Variables can have numbers but cannot start with numbers
Data Types
int — for numericals
string — for alphanumericals
float — for numerics with decimal points
boolean — true or false
x = 1 #int | |
y = 1.22 #float | |
name = "Billy" #string | |
is_cool = True #boolean | |
#x, y, name, is_cool = (1, 1.22, "Billy", True) | |
print(x, y, name, is_cool) |
Strings in python can be written with either single or double quotes
A list is a collection which is ordered and can be changed.
A list also allows duplicate members.
To create a list we usually use square brackets or we can use a constructor as shown below;
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | |
names = ["Billy", "Dan"] | |
#Get a value from list | |
print(numbers[2]) | |
#Append to list | |
names.append("Okeyo") | |
print(names) | |
#Removing from list | |
numbers.remove(5) | |
print(numbers) | |
#Insert at specific position | |
numbers.insert(3, 10) | |
print(numbers) | |
#Remove with pop | |
numbers.pop(3) | |
print(numbers) | |
#reverse list | |
names.reverse() | |
print(names) | |
#Adding a duplicate | |
names.insert(2, "Dan") | |
print(names) |
A tuple is a collection which is ordered and cannot be changed.
A tuple also allows duplicate members.
In creating tuples we use parenthesis
numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | |
names = ("Billy", "Dan") | |
print(type(names)) | |
#When declaring one value in a tuple you should add a comma after it | |
campus = ("Thika") | |
print(type(campus)) | |
campus = ("Thika",) | |
print(type(campus)) | |
#Let's try changing a Value | |
#names[0] = "Okeyo" | |
#deleting a tuple | |
#del numbers | |
#print(numbers) |
A set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed which means when I print a set now it won’t be in the same when i print it again.
A set doesn’t allow duplicate members
names = {"Billy", "Dan"} | |
print(names) | |
#Check if a value is in a set | |
print("Billy" in names) | |
#Add to set | |
names.add("Okeyo") | |
print(names) | |
#Remove from set | |
names.remove("Dan") | |
print(names) | |
#Clearing a set | |
#names.clear() | |
#print(names) | |
#Let's try adding a duplicate | |
names.add("Billy") | |
print(names) |
A dictionary is a collection which is unordered, indexed and changeable.
A dictionary doesn’t allow duplicate members.
# A dictionary is unordered collection, changeable and indexed, it doesn't allow duplicate members | |
student = { | |
"Name": "Billy", | |
"Reg No": "BIT/001", | |
"Age": 50 | |
} | |
print(type(student), student) | |
# Get a Value from dictionaries | |
print(student["Name"]) | |
print(student.get("Reg No")) | |
# Adding values | |
student["Course"] = "BIT" | |
print(student) | |
# Getting Dictionary Keys | |
print(student.keys()) | |
# Coping a Dictionary | |
student1 = student.copy() | |
student1["Year"] = "2020" | |
print(student1) | |
# Dictionary List | |
lecturers = [ | |
{"Name": "John", "Age": 50}, | |
{"Name": "Doe", "Age": 30} | |
] |
A function is a block of code which executes upon calling
Python is very sensitive to indentions and thus in creating functions, we make use of indents.
In creating functions we use the def keyword, as shown below
def user(name): | |
print(f"Hi {name}") | |
print("It is a good day to learn Python") | |
user("Billy") |
That’s all for now, I’ll be posting a continuation on this later on.
Top comments (1)
As i learn python, would you be willing to help me develop an app? I am so new to coding.