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Should I stop learning Ruby since it's no longer popular?

Ruby (and Rails) is not as hyped as a some years ago. But, this does not mean that its no longer popular/used.

The problem today is people want to learn one thing and then want to use it forever. Consider who is using Cobol or Fortran now. A programming language is only a tool.

is Ruby used today?

Ruby is used by thousands of developers and companies, so it makes sense to use it. Existing systems in Ruby need to be maintained. This goes for any language.

Consider WordPress, it's still used today and is a widely popular Content Management System (CMS). It's made in PHP over a decade or two ago. This needs to be maintained, even though PHP is not as popular as it once was.

Just by taking a look at the Ruby section shows you that Ruby is still used and talked about. There are also plenty of jobs that involve Ruby programming.

where is Ruby popular?

Is Ruby popular in your country? Here is some data on Ruby popularity. Ruby is most popular in these countries:

  • United States
  • China
  • Brazil
  • India

US and China have about an equal rank in terms of popularity. In Europe Ruby is not popular, in contrast to the Americas and Asia. (data from similarweb)

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