
Cover image for Here’s a brief guide on creating a virtual machine using the Azure portal: Creating a Virtual Machine in Azure Portal
Busa Ayim-Odu
Busa Ayim-Odu

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Here’s a brief guide on creating a virtual machine using the Azure portal: Creating a Virtual Machine in Azure Portal

Login to Azure Account
To Do: Go to and log in with your credentials (username and password). 🔑
Azure Account
3️⃣ Search for Virtual Machines
To Do: In the “Search resources, services and docs” field, type “virtual machines”. 🖥️
Virtual Machine
4️⃣ Select Virtual Machine
To Do: From the list of search results, click on the “Virtual machine” option. The best option is usually highlighted. ✨
VM created
5️⃣ Start the Creation Process
To Do: Click the “Create” button to start the virtual machine creation process. Choose “Create a virtual machine hosted by Azure”. 🛠️

6️⃣ Enter Project Details
To Do: Select the appropriate subscription and create a resource group by clicking the “Create resource group” button and giving it a name. 📂
7️⃣ Enter Virtual Machine Details
To Do: Provide information about your virtual machine, such as the name, operating system (choose either Ubuntu Server 20.04 or Windows Server Datacenter -x64 G2), size, and other configuration settings. Leave other options as default. 📝
VM name

8️⃣ Create an Administrator Account
To Do: Choose “Password” for the authentication type. Use “Azureuser” for the username and “password123*” for the password. 🔐
9️⃣ Select Inbound Port Rules
To Do: Select SSH if you chose a Linux VM and RDP if it’s a Windows VM. This allows IP addresses to connect to the VM. 🌐
🔟 Check Licensing
To Do: By default, this is unchecked. Click the box to check it.

1️⃣1️⃣ Disable Boot Diagnostics
To Do: Click “Next” until you reach the “Boot diagnostics” in the Monitoring tab, and click on “Disable”. 🚫
1️⃣2️⃣ Review and Create
To Do: Click on the “Review + Create” button. If the validation passes, the deployment will proceed. If not, note any recommendations, fix them, and try again. Deployment might take 3-5 minutes. ⏳
1️⃣3️⃣ Check the Status
To Do: If the VM is running, the task has succeeded. 🎉
VM Deployed
VM Running
1️⃣4️⃣ Access the Virtual Machine
To Do: Once the virtual machine is deployed, click on the “Connect” button in the virtual machine blade in the Azure portal. 🔗
VM Connect
1️⃣5️⃣ Download RDP File
To Do: Click “Native RDP”, select, and wait for the configured sign to be displayed on the right-hand side. Download the RDP file. 📥
1️⃣6️⃣ Connect to the VM
To Do: Open the RDP file from your local computer and click on “Connect”. Enter the admin details created during the VM setup. 🖥️
1️⃣7️⃣ Follow the Prompt
To Do: Follow the prompt and click “Continue”. Use the username and password created for the admin section. 🛡️
1️⃣8️⃣ Wait for Configuration
To Do: Wait for the remote PC to be configured. ⏳
VM connecting
1️⃣9️⃣ Start Using the VM
To Do: Once the connection is successful, start using your virtual machine!
VM Completed

  1. I will sign into my email on my new VM and send a message to my actual operating system to start that is works find.

  2. Displaying an image sent to my email, signed in my VM.


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