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Cover image for Call Us What You Want is officially on board!
Robson Junior for Call Us What You Want

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Call Us What You Want is officially on board!

Hello, World!

We contemplated creating our own website from zero or using a platform such as Medium. In the end, we've decided that is the perfect environment for our posts — just like Call Us What You Want, it's 100% open source!

Right now, you might be asking yourself: what is Call Us What You Want? Put it simply, we're (at least two) friends that love music and programming. We originally created this organization with our first project idea: an open source platform where people can rate the music they listen to.

We have been working on this project (which we named Musicritic) and spotify-web-sdk for over a year now and while there's still a lot of work to be done, we've sure come a long way! We'd be honored if you took your time to check out our projects and maybe contribute with them yourself.

Here in we intend to discuss our experiences and share what we've been learning along the road. Code design decisions, how to contribute with our repositories, our recommended best practices... We're here to continue improving ourselves and (who knows?) inspire people to contribute with open source as well.

That's just about everything. Hope to see you all soon with posts that actually have some interesting content!

Oh, I've just come across a pizza recipe posted here... I guess we'll feel free to post about some other things from time to time. 😅

Until next time!

Top comments (5)

thayannevls profile image
Thayanne Luiza •

Welcome to!

joserenan profile image
José Renan •

Thanks!!! Hope to see your posts in the near future too!!!

apisov profile image
Apisov •

Interesting idea!
Thanks for posting and doing a great job, Robson! :)

What about making available via fancy p2p internet?
For example with

I think it will be easier to start using this project if it needs only to set up a browser that works with p2p internet.

Or maybe you are planning to host it, no?
I'm not really into web dev; I might do understand things clearly.

And the last question:
Why have you decided to write your own SDK for Spotify if there are already available ones?

jrobsonjr profile image
Robson Junior •

Hello, Apisov! Thank you for your comment!

I didn't know about P2P internet, but I've been reading about it and I think it's a very interesting approach! We haven't really decided how we'll be hosting Musicritic because there's still a lot of things left to implement (especially for the "critic" part of it, haha). Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and know we will consider it for sure!

About choosing to write our own SDK, there's a number of reasons. When we started implementing Musicritic, we were making our requests to the Spotify Web API directly. We started noticing that, even though the API has a lot of interesting data, some of it is a bit trickier to access, yet necessary at times. When this part of our project was starting to grow too much, we decided to create a separate project to wrap all the requests. This way, we could make Musicritic less directly coupled with the Spotify Web API and have a friendlier interface between it and our application. We also figured other people could also benefit of a simplified access to data, something that other SDKs don't handle. Actually, we intend to write an article about this decision, because we thought other people would have this same question and maybe it'd make an interesting read!

Once again, thank you so much for your interest!

apisov profile image
Apisov •

Hey Robson,

I am glad to be of help :)

Asking users to install a separate browser for P2P might be too much though. So a classic web hosting is probably the most friendly experience for users. On the other hand, hosting a website on your machine with a P2P network with a community of like-minded people could feel so special and intimate.

I'd love to read about your decisions regarding the SDK :)