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Sarah Mukuti
Sarah Mukuti

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Python for everyone: "Mastering Python The Right Way”

Python is a language that anyone can learn regardless of which area of technology they wish to work in. whether a web developer, data scientist, game developer or machine learning engineer python serves them well. Python has easy syntax compared to other programming languages. However, python has some specific practices that one should master if they want to write good code. Foundational concepts such as variables, data types, functions, classes, data structures, and algorithms are compulsory for every python enthusiast. However, specific frameworks such as Django and flask may not be very essential for someone who is not willing to major in python for web development.
It is very important to decide the area in which they want to use python programming. For instance, if one decides to take the data science path they should familiarize themselves with libraries such as pandas, Numpy, matplotlib, and keras.
Once you become conversant with the foundational concepts of python and settle on the appropriate implementation area its time to move to the most important steps.

  1. Create the environment for python projects. This may include, python installation, a suitable code editor, python package manager to install all the necessary libraries.
  2. Find the best method of learning such as the official python documentation, Video tutorials, or e-books written to facilitate learning python.
  3. Settle on a simple project to practice the acquired concepts.
  4. Push your project to a version control system such as GitHub.

Another important aspect to mastering python the right way is by understanding the specific rules that govern coding in python. These include.

  • How to do indentations.
  • Best conventions when naming variables, functions, and any user-defined classes .

Finally, mastering python just like any other programming language requires a lot of practice.

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