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Azure Functions Hosting Models: In-Process vs. Isolated Process - What's Best for Your Project?

In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between the In-Process and Isolated Process hosting models in Azure Functions, along with their benefits and drawbacks. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of which model to choose for your specific use case.

Azure Functions is a popular serverless computing service that allows developers to run small pieces of code, known as functions, in the cloud.

One of the key decisions you'll face when working with Azure Functions in .NET is choosing between the In-Process and Isolated Process hosting models. Both models have their own advantages and trade-offs, making it crucial to understand when to use each one.

Understanding the Hosting Models

  • In-Process Hosting Model

The In-Process hosting model is the traditional hosting model for Azure Functions. In this model, your function code runs in the same process as the Azure Functions runtime. This allows for direct access to the runtime's features, such as logging, configuration, and binding, with minimal overhead.

  • Isolated Process Hosting Model

The Isolated Process hosting model, introduced with .NET 5 and beyond, separates the function code from the Azure Functions runtime. Your code runs in a separate process, isolated from the runtime, allowing for greater flexibility and customization, especially for .NET applications that require specific .NET version support or advanced dependency management.

Benefits and Drawbacks

In-Process Hosting Model


1. Performance: Running in the same process as the runtime results in lower latency and faster execution times.

2. Simplicity: The In-Process model offers easier access to built-in features like logging, dependency injection, and triggers without additional configuration.

3. Mature Ecosystem: Since this is the original hosting model, it has a more mature ecosystem with extensive documentation and community support.

4. Compatibility: Direct access to Azure Functions runtime features like bindings, configuration, and triggers.


1. Tight Coupling: Your function code is tightly coupled to the Azure Functions runtime, making it harder to upgrade or use different versions of .NET.

2. Limited Flexibility: You have less control over the runtime environment, which might be restrictive if you have specific version or configuration needs.

3. Limited .NET Versions: Only supports .NET versions that are compatible with the runtime, which can be a limitation for some advanced applications.

Isolated Process Hosting Model


1. Flexibility: The Isolated Process model allows you to run your function code in a separate process, giving you full control over the environment and the ability to use any version of .NET.

2. Custom Middleware: You can create and use custom middleware, allowing for advanced scenarios like custom authentication, logging, and error handling.

3. Modular Design: The isolated nature of the process means your function code is less dependent on the Azure Functions runtime, making it easier to upgrade or change runtime versions.

4. Future-Proofing: As Azure Functions evolves, the Isolated Process model is more likely to receive new features and updates, making it a more future-proof choice.


1. Performance Overhead: Running in a separate process introduces some latency due to inter-process communication, which can result in slightly slower execution times.

2. Complexity: The Isolated Process model requires more configuration and setup, including managing your own dependency injection, logging, and bindings.

3. Learning Curve: For developers accustomed to the In-Process model, the Isolated Process model may have a steeper learning curve, especially when working with custom middleware and dependency injection.

4. Limited Ecosystem: While growing, the ecosystem and community support for the Isolated Process model are not as extensive as for the In-Process model.

When to Use In-Process vs. Isolated Process

When to Use In-Process:

  • Performance-Critical Applications: If your application requires the lowest possible latency and the highest performance, the In-Process model is often the better choice.

  • Simple, Rapid Development: For small to medium-sized applications where simplicity and ease of access to runtime features are key, the In-Process model is ideal.

  • Legacy Applications: If you’re working with existing Azure Functions that were built using the In-Process model, and there’s no pressing need to switch, sticking with In-Process can save time and effort.

When to Use Isolated Process:

  • Advanced Customization: If your application requires advanced customization, such as using custom middleware, or if you need to work with specific versions of .NET that the runtime doesn’t support, the Isolated Process model is the way to go.

  • Modern, Modular Applications: For new projects that aim to be future-proof, modular, and maintainable, the Isolated Process model offers greater flexibility and control.

  • Complex Enterprise Applications: In scenarios where different teams or services need to run different versions of .NET, or where there are strict requirements for isolation and security, the Isolated Process model provides the necessary separation and customization.


Choosing between the In-Process and Isolated Process hosting models in Azure Functions depends on your specific application needs. The In-Process model offers simplicity, performance, and ease of use, making it suitable for many scenarios.

However, as applications grow in complexity, or if you require specific .NET version support and advanced customization, the Isolated Process model provides the flexibility and future-proofing needed for modern development.

Top comments (2)

kkazala profile image
Kinga • Edited

Fantastic comparison.
May I just add (sorry 🙈):
Image description

codestreet profile image

That's a great add, thanks :)