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API Testing with requests and pytest

I.What is requests

Requests is a library for making HTTP requests in Python.

To install requests, simply run

pip install requests
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requests support all kinds of HTTP methods such as : POST,GET,PUT,DELETE ...

Below are example code for using requests:

# For post request
def create_new_user(self, username, password, fullname):
    return + API_USER_PATH, data=json.dumps(userinfo(username, password, fullname)),
                         headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

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II.Prepare service for test

The service we would be used to do the test is blog api .

This service is made in Java with spring-boot framework.

The database we would be using is MySQL.

We would also need maven as build tool.

So you would need to install the following things to be able to run it.


Please install Java 8 for your machine

You could download Java 8 from Oracle official site : java8-oracle (You would need oracle account to download)

After download, simple install it from exe file to your machine (If you're working in Windows).

You would need to setup the JAVA path in order to work.

The JAVA_HOME would look like this : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221

In the path, add more item like : %JAVA_HOME%\bin

To check whether it's working: Open CMD → java --version

it should show the java version


Please download maven from official site : maven-download

After that, extract it to the folder you want.

Add system path to Maven.

The MAVEN_HOME would look like this : C:\apache-maven-3.6.2

In the path, add item like : %MAVEN_HOME%\bin

To check whether it's working: Open CMD → mvn --version

it should show maven version


Please go to MySQL official site to download mysql community version: mysql installer for windows

You might also need to install .net framework before install MySQL : .net framework 4.5.2

III.Test Structure for API testing
1.Environment configuration:

For environment configuration file, we will use yaml file.
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YAML (a recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language") is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted.

The yaml file would look like this :

  user: /user
  authenticate: /authenticate
  blog: /blog
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All the configurations settings will be located in resources folder:

Alt Text

Here we have env.local.yaml, env.sit.yaml, env.uat.yaml.

Understand like this, if we want to test for local.yaml or sit.yaml, simply tell pytest to get configurations from the file and paste it into env.yaml.

Our project will use env.yaml.

How we do that:
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In, we define the fixture:

@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def get_env_value(pytestconfig):
    files.copy_file(os.getcwd() + '/resources/env.' + str(pytestconfig.getoption('env')) + '.yaml',
                    os.getcwd() + '/resources/env.yaml')

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We define the pytest_addoption option in the too:

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--name", action="store", default="default name")
    parser.addoption("--env", action="store", default="local")
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We read the environment path info as below:

def get_environment_info():
    return yaml.read_data_from_file(os.getcwd().split('practice')[0] + '/resources/env.yaml')

API_SERVER_URL = get_environment_info()['api_server_url']
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And for the specific path:

def get_path_info():
    return yaml.read_data_from_file(os.getcwd().split('practice')[0] + '/resources/path.yaml')

API_USER_PATH = get_path_info()['api']['user']
API_AUTHENTICATE_PATH = get_path_info()['api']['authenticate']
API_BLOG_PATH = get_path_info()['api']['blog']
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Define in models-api

For example for user model

def userinfo(username, password, fullname):
    return {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,
        'fullname': fullname

class UserInfo(object):
    id: Optional[int]
    username: str
    password: str
    fullname: str

    def __init__(self, username, password, fullname):
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.fullname = fullname
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3.Methods call to API using requests:

Example below for create new user API:

class User:

    def create_new_user(self, username, password, fullname):
        return + API_USER_PATH, data=json.dumps(userinfo(username, password, fullname)),
                             headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    def create_new_user_data_class(self, username, password, fullname):
        user_info_instance = UserInfo(username, password, fullname)
        s = json.dumps(user_info_instance.__dict__)
        return + API_USER_PATH, data=s, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
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4.Execute SQL to work with database:

In our example we are working with MySQL, so we need mysql connector:

Remember to install mysql-connector-python library.

pip install mysql-connector-python
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The defined methods and how to work with them are like below:

class MySQL:

    def connect(self, host_name, database_name, user_name, password):
            connection = mysql.connector.connect(host=host_name,

            if connection.is_connected():
                db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
                print("Connected to MySQL Server version ", db_Info)
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("select database();")
                record = cursor.fetchone()
                print("Your connected to database: ", record)
                return connection

        except Error as e:
            print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

    def close(self, connection):
        if connection.is_connected():
            print("MySQL connection is closed")

class RestAPIDatabase:

    def get_user_info_by_username(self, connection, username):
        sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM user_info where username = %s'
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql_query, (username,))
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        return row

    def delete_user_info_by_username(self, connection, username):
        sql_query = 'DELETE FROM user_info WHERE username = %s'
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql_query, (username,))
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IV.Test Steps in test suite

We will have the create data part, execute the test, and clear data after test.

Following are examples:

class TestUserInfo:
    user_api = User()
    restapi_query = RestAPIDatabase()
    random_gen = RandomGenerator()

    def test_create_new_user_success_using_pre_defined_def(self, set_up_mysql):
        username = self.random_gen.random_string(8) + ''
        response = self.user_api.create_new_user(username, 'Abcd1234', 'Le Dinh Cuong')
            result_user_info = self.restapi_query.get_user_info_by_username(set_up_mysql, username)
            assert result_user_info is not None
            assert 200 == response.status_code
            self.restapi_query.delete_user_info_by_username(set_up_mysql, username)

    def test_create_new_user_success_using_object(self, set_up_mysql):
        username = self.random_gen.random_string(8) + ''
            response = self.user_api.create_new_user_data_class(username, 'Abcd12345$', 'Le Dinh Cuong')
            assert 200 == response.status_code
            self.restapi_query.delete_user_info_by_username(set_up_mysql, username)
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V.Run the test

You can run from pycharm or from command line with pytest

pytest practice\api\

Thank you for reading till here.
As always, stay tuned for the next blog post.

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