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Daeen Choi
Daeen Choi

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Database Scheduler with celery beat and manage schedule in Django admin

Must read previous post first before reading this one :D
Previous Post about celery

Aim of this post

  1. Install celery beat in django project and understand how it is used
  2. Settings for sending emails in django project using gmail
  3. Create a task that sends email
  4. Create schedule using django admin and integrate it with email task Eg) Send notification email to users every Fridays at 4 a.m.

What is celery beat?

celery beat is a scheduler. When it's time to run the task, it delivers the entry to the worker node. (Periodic task execution)

Install celery beat
pip install django-celery-beat

Migrate - Tables will be created to store tasks and schedules
python migrate

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Settings for emails

1 . Click Manage your Google Account
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2 . Make sure 2 step verification is on in Security > 2 step verification
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3 . Create app password. App passwords > select app > other > Name it whatever!

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4 . Add

# e-mail settings
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
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Email setting is finished!

Where does celery beat store tasks and schedules?

1. Default entries are taken from the beat_schedule setting

app.conf.beat_schedule = {
  'add-every-30-seconds': {
        'task': 'tasks.add',
        'schedule': 30.0,
        'args': (16, 16)
app.conf.timezone = 'UTC'
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Or if you want more control over your schedules use crontab

from celery.schedules import crontab

app.conf.beat_schedule = {
    # Executes every Monday morning at 7:30 a.m.
    'add-every-monday-morning': {
        'task': 'tasks.add',
        'schedule': crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week=1),
        'args': (16, 16),
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Start celery beat service
celery -A <project name> beat

2 . Use custom stores - I will store them in database

  1. Let's create a task that sends email to users
@app.task(name="send_notification", bind=True, default_retry_delay=300, max_retries=5)
def send_notification(self, subject, message):
    from django.core.mail import send_mail as sm

    # Fetch all users except superuser
    users = User.objects.exclude(is_superuser=True).all()
    user_emails = [ for user in users]

    # try sending email
        res = sm(
        print(f'Email send to {len(user_emails)} users')
    except Exception:

        # retry when fail

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So here I created a task called send_notification.
default_retry_delay : retry after 300 seconds when fail
max_retries : only retry 5 more times then STOP.
Here I am also getting subject and message as arguments. This means I can pass subject and message from django admin. I will show you this later.

  1. Let's go to django admin localhost:8080/admin.

You will see new Periodic Tasks Menu
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Let's make a crontab Crontab > Add crontab
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Let's create a crontab .Here I created one. Every Saturday @ 10:47 p.m.
If you are not sure about crontab, check this out Crontab examples
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Let's create a periodic task
Click Periodic tasks > Add. Create a new name of your choice. Find send_notification task that we have created up there
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Schedule > Crontab Schedule > Find the crontab you just created.
Add the Start Datetime
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This is where you pass the arguments subject and message
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So we are all set and ready to go.

Start django server, start rabbitmq

Start celery
celery -A djangocelery(app name) worker --loglevel=info

Start celery beat in different terminal
celery -A djangocelery(app name) beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

Let's check out the terminal of celery beat

@10:47 p.m. celery beat scheduler is sending send_notification task that we have created!! to celery!!
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Check celery terminal. Celery has received the task and email is sent.
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And I have received the email at 10:47 p.m. on Saturday with the title and content that I have set up in django admin!
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So celery beat is a scheduler and celery is the one that executes the task. Database scheduler is one of the method of celery beat where tasks and schedules are stored in database which means you can manage them in django admin.

That's it for django celery beat!
The end.

Top comments (1)

rayvikram profile image

I have also used these awsome combination. It's great