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Dawn Jones
Dawn Jones

Posted on

Small Dice game "break" error

I'm new learning Python, so please bare with me. Below is a copy of my code. I originally had break on line 15 which made an error and was not working. As per your instructions in your article, I changed break to pass and that fixed the error. However, the game is not doing anything else but asking to roll the dice. Maybe you can suggest a project guide to learn Python better because I don't think like a programmer yet. Thanks!

Top comments (2)

dajo profile image
Dawn Jones

Btw, I just ordered two books: 1) Deep Learning with Python, Python for Data Analysis and 2)
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems. I just received Deep Learning with Python today. I'm so happy!

socallongboard profile image
Michael Naumann

Hi Dawn -- I'm not seeing the code. Could you amend the post or perhaps share the code on something like Thanks!