Recently I created a package to manage my Philips Hue lights with. I wanted an easy way to signal my lights in my office when something special happens. Things that are special for example could be:
- New user sign up
- New paid order
- New support ticket
- New newsletter subscription
- … etc
Here’s a link to the package:
I’m still doing work on it, but the basics are implemented and fully working.
You can switch lights on and off per ID, but also in a complete group.
Syntax is as easy as this:
(new HueClient)->lights()->on(1)
Some example commands:
$hue = new HueClient();
$hue->lights()->customState(1, [
"hue" => 25500,
"bri" =>200,
"alert" => 'select'
You can do whatever you want!
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