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How to open a Project Folder in Visual Studio Code.

  1. Create a folder(directory) in the Desktop directory on your computer with the name vscode-with-git.
  2. Open Visual Studio Code from your list of installed applications. You should the image below.
    1. open vscode.PNG

  3. Click on Open folder as shown below.
    2. open folder.PNG

Alternatively, click on file on the top left corner of the **vscode* and select Open folder.*

  1. Locate the position of the folder you earlier created and click on select folder as shown below. If you remembered, it was created on the Desktop folder

3. dialog.PNG

  1. If you followed step 4 carefully, your vscode will look like the image below.
    4. opened folder.PNG

  2. When you hover on the folder (VSCODE-WITH-GIT) , you should see four icons. Click on the first icon from the extreme left to create a file.
    5. create file.PNG

Hover on the other icons to see what you can achieve with them

  1. Type the name of the file for instance, index.html or text.txt and press enter on your keyboard.

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