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ResourceAllocation.sol | Contracts

The ResourceAllocation.sol smart contract is designed to manage the allocation of resources for Real World Assets (RWA). It utilizes the Ownable and SafeMath libraries from OpenZeppelin, providing essential security and mathematical functions. This contract is an integral part of a broader framework intended for efficient and transparent management of physical assets represented digitally.

In the context of real-world asset management, ensuring that resources are accurately tracked and allocated is critical. This smart contract addresses several key challenges:

  • By leveraging blockchain technology, it ensures that all transactions and allocations are publicly verifiable.
  • Automates the process of resource management, reducing manual intervention and errors.
  • Uses well-audited libraries and practices to ensure the integrity of the system.

Contract's Structure

The contract is structured into several key components:

  1. Structs:
    • Resource: Represents a resource with its name, total supply, allocated amount, and active status.
    • Allocation: Captures the allocation details, including the resource ID, amount, and timestamp.
  2. Mappings:
    • resources: Maps a resource ID to its corresponding Resource struct.
    • assetAllocations: Maps an asset address and resource ID to its Allocation struct.
  3. State Variables:
    • resourceCount: Keeps track of the number of resources added.
  4. Events:
    • ResourceAdded, ResourceUpdated, ResourceAllocated, and ResourceDeallocated: Emit logs for various actions within the contract.


  • Resource Management:

    • addResource: Adds a new resource to the system, initializing it with a name and total supply.
    • updateResourceSupply: Updates the total supply of an existing resource, ensuring the new supply is not less than the currently allocated amount.
  • Allocation Functions:

    • allocateResource: Allocates a specified amount of a resource to a given RWA asset. It verifies the asset's validity and checks for sufficient available resources.
    • deallocateResource: Deallocates a specified amount of a resource from an RWA asset, ensuring the asset has sufficient allocated resources to be deallocated.
  • Query Functions:

    • getResourceAllocation: Retrieves the current allocation and timestamp for a specific resource and asset.
    • getAvailableResourceAmount: Returns the available amount of a resource after accounting for the allocated amounts.

Essential Functions of the Contract

  1. addResource(string memory _name, uint256 _totalSupply): Adds a new resource to the contract.
   function addResource(string memory _name, uint256 _totalSupply) public onlyOwner {
       resourceCount = resourceCount.add(1);
       resources[resourceCount] = Resource(_name, _totalSupply, 0, true);
       emit ResourceAdded(resourceCount, _name, _totalSupply);
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  1. updateResourceSupply(uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _newTotalSupply): Updates the total supply of an existing resource.
   function updateResourceSupply(uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _newTotalSupply) public onlyOwner {
       require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
       require(_newTotalSupply >= resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount, "New supply cannot be less than allocated amount");

       resources[_resourceId].totalSupply = _newTotalSupply;
       emit ResourceUpdated(_resourceId, _newTotalSupply);
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  1. allocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount): Allocates a resource to an asset.
   function allocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
       require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
       require(RWAAsset(_assetAddress).isValidAsset(), "Invalid RWA asset address");
       require(resources[_resourceId].totalSupply.sub(resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount) >= _amount, "Insufficient resource available");

       resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount = resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount.add(_amount);
       assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount = assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount.add(_amount);
       assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].timestamp = block.timestamp;

       emit ResourceAllocated(_assetAddress, _resourceId, _amount);
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  1. deallocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount): Deallocates a resource from an asset.
   function deallocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
       require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
       require(assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount >= _amount, "Insufficient allocated amount");

       resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount = resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount.sub(_amount);
       assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount = assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount.sub(_amount);

       emit ResourceDeallocated(_assetAddress, _resourceId, _amount);
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Key Points

  • The ResourceAllocation contract is crucial for managing digital representations of physical assets.
  • It ensures transparency, efficiency, and security in resource management.
  • Key functions allow adding resources, updating supplies, and managing allocations.
  • The contract uses OpenZeppelin's libraries for ownership and safe mathematical operations.
  • Events provide an audit trail for resource management activities.

To Do

  • Implement a more granular access control mechanism using AccessControl from OpenZeppelin to allow specific roles for resource management.

  • Integrate automated auditing mechanisms to ensure compliance and regular checks on resource allocations.

  • Optimize data structures and algorithms for handling a larger number of resources and allocations efficiently.

  • Develop a front-end interface to interact with the contract, making it more accessible to non-technical users.

  • Ensure compatibility with other blockchain networks or standards for broader adoption and integration.

For the full contract implementation, you can refer to the GitHub repository:

ResourceAllocation.sol CODE:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./RWAAsset.sol";

 * @title ResourceAllocation
 * @dev Manages the allocation of resources for Real World Assets (RWA)
contract ResourceAllocation is Ownable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    struct Resource {
        string name;
        uint256 totalSupply;
        uint256 allocatedAmount;
        bool isActive;

    struct Allocation {
        uint256 resourceId;
        uint256 amount;
        uint256 timestamp;

    mapping(uint256 => Resource) public resources;
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Allocation)) public assetAllocations;

    uint256 public resourceCount;

    event ResourceAdded(uint256 indexed resourceId, string name, uint256 totalSupply);
    event ResourceUpdated(uint256 indexed resourceId, uint256 newTotalSupply);
    event ResourceAllocated(address indexed assetAddress, uint256 indexed resourceId, uint256 amount);
    event ResourceDeallocated(address indexed assetAddress, uint256 indexed resourceId, uint256 amount);

    constructor() {
        resourceCount = 0;

     * @dev Adds a new resource to the system
     * @param _name Name of the resource
     * @param _totalSupply Total supply of the resource
    function addResource(string memory _name, uint256 _totalSupply) public onlyOwner {
        resourceCount = resourceCount.add(1);
        resources[resourceCount] = Resource(_name, _totalSupply, 0, true);
        emit ResourceAdded(resourceCount, _name, _totalSupply);

     * @dev Updates the total supply of an existing resource
     * @param _resourceId ID of the resource to update
     * @param _newTotalSupply New total supply of the resource
    function updateResourceSupply(uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _newTotalSupply) public onlyOwner {
        require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
        require(_newTotalSupply >= resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount, "New supply cannot be less than allocated amount");

        resources[_resourceId].totalSupply = _newTotalSupply;
        emit ResourceUpdated(_resourceId, _newTotalSupply);

     * @dev Allocates a resource to a specific RWA asset
     * @param _assetAddress Address of the RWA asset
     * @param _resourceId ID of the resource to allocate
     * @param _amount Amount of the resource to allocate
    function allocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
        require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
        require(RWAAsset(_assetAddress).isValidAsset(), "Invalid RWA asset address");
        require(resources[_resourceId].totalSupply.sub(resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount) >= _amount, "Insufficient resource available");

        resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount = resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount.add(_amount);
        assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount = assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount.add(_amount);
        assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].timestamp = block.timestamp;

        emit ResourceAllocated(_assetAddress, _resourceId, _amount);

     * @dev Deallocates a resource from a specific RWA asset
     * @param _assetAddress Address of the RWA asset
     * @param _resourceId ID of the resource to deallocate
     * @param _amount Amount of the resource to deallocate
    function deallocateResource(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
        require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
        require(assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount >= _amount, "Insufficient allocated amount");

        resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount = resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount.sub(_amount);
        assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount = assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount.sub(_amount);

        emit ResourceDeallocated(_assetAddress, _resourceId, _amount);

     * @dev Retrieves the current allocation of a resource for a specific RWA asset
     * @param _assetAddress Address of the RWA asset
     * @param _resourceId ID of the resource
     * @return amount The amount of the resource allocated to the asset
     * @return timestamp The timestamp of the last allocation
    function getResourceAllocation(address _assetAddress, uint256 _resourceId) public view returns (uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp) {
        return (assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].amount, assetAllocations[_assetAddress][_resourceId].timestamp);

     * @dev Retrieves the available amount of a resource
     * @param _resourceId ID of the resource
     * @return The available amount of the resource
    function getAvailableResourceAmount(uint256 _resourceId) public view returns (uint256) {
        require(resources[_resourceId].isActive, "Resource does not exist");
        return resources[_resourceId].totalSupply.sub(resources[_resourceId].allocatedAmount);
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